Thursday, September 19, 2019

1 down, 2 to go

I may have solved one mystery

     I keep hearing a weird call from the back yard at night.  I am curious about what animal makes such a noise.
     So the other day I posted a video of the call and asked if anyone knew.
    Thanks to the replies of animal, animal or bird, something alive, and other very helpful suggestions.  I thought it might be rocks singing.
     More exactly, it seems to be a fox call. specifically a fox alarm call.  At least that is what the recording of a fox alarm call I found sounds like.  Make sense?
     The second mystery of the disappearing check has not been solved.  I have given up looking.
     That's my progress for the day.  Not very exciting, is it?
    A final mystery is where the Cubs offense goes.  Just frustrating to watch that  roller coaster.  Yet, we still do.
     Peace and Love and runs tomorrow!

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