Friday, September 6, 2019


Talk about an awkward moment

     I was showing a hissing cockroach.  These are about 2 to 3 inches long...they are a big bug.
     A young boy was looking at it and turned to his mom and said, "These are a lot bigger than the ones we catch at home."
     Mom just smiled.....awkwardly.
     I stopped for a sandwich for Jackie's supper.  Jackie had texted me with her order.  I stepped up to the counter and had trouble reading the small the girl behind the counter asked if she could read it.  I gave the phone to here and she ordered exactly what Jackie wanted.
     Not what she got, but what she wanted was ordered.  That's half the battle.
     I wonder sometimes how it is so easy to not get the order right!  No chicken means, no chicken.
     And the use of gloves bothers me every time I am in a restaurant or deli.  The gloves are to protect we consumers from germs and impurities you the server have on your hands.  If you pick up a box, open it, take out the contents and then  handle food, you should change gloves!
     I cringe sometimes.
     I used the bathroom on the oasis in DeKalb today and a guy walked in on his phone.  He had the clip over the ear kind and he carried on a conversation about upcoming projects as he used the urinal!
     I was using the hot air blower to dry my newly washed hands and wondered how he would handle a conversation with the dryer running.  He handled it by walking out of  the bathroom without washing his hands, but he did run his hands  through his hair.  Ewww!!!
     And people wonder why I don't use touchscreen ordering menus.
     Sleep tight.  Wash after going potty.
Peace and Love

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