Thursday, September 26, 2019

Pogo no go

I killed a opossum tonight

     I did not mean to, but they seem to be terribly slow when approached by a car doing 50 miles an hour.  Terribly.
     I braked, and veered left.  The opossum veered right and then froze. It made one heck of a thump when it hit the car.
     I try not to run down innocent animals.   I avoid the guilty ones too.  But, so far in my life as a driver in Illinois I have hit one deer, a pheasant, two dogs, a few squirrels and the opossum.  I don't count the smaller birds.  Let's just say that I may be part of the reason the North American bird population is down about 3 million.  That's a lot of birds.
     I am just thankful that I have never hit a skunk.  I would have to sell the car if I did.
     And when I hit the pheasant, it caused about $1,200 damage to the car.  The front fender and light assembly had to be replaced.   I was shocked by the damage.
     After I hit it, the antenna in the hood area was covered with feathers.  Jackie made me stop and wipe off the feathers, because they were a little sickening for her.  I thought it gave the car a whimsical look.
     Still, I feel bad about the opossum.  It may have had a family that is now wondering where it is.
     RIP, Pogo.
Peace and Love

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