Monday, September 2, 2019

the end

I think summer is over

     Labor Day seems to signal the end of summer.  No more hot, lazy days.  Now we are into fall.
     Labor Day is also the last day of the Renaissance Faire in Bristol, Wisconsin.
     One act, Broon, was quite a surprise in that the pulled a 10 year old boy out of the audience to help with a bit.  The kid was sharp, funny, quick and ended up staying on stage throughout the rest of the act.
     Later, when Moonie and Broone do the last show of the faire, the kid was in the audience and he actually became part of the show. He was not a plant, just a funny kid in the right place at the right time.
     Enough words.  Pictures from the day.

Bubbles are always fun

This is the insult king....booth is like a dunk tank, only people throw tomatoes

lots of tomatoes

I have to look back....think I have taken her picture several times over the years.

Joey...a volunteer from the audience became a huge part of the act

Yes, he juggles real bowling balls

More fire...surprised he had Joey involved in this...but their faces tell a story

Adam the whip expert

Adds a little heat to the act

Crafts are there too

The trick is to use a bullwhip to knock the burning pretzel out of Moonie's butt.

Joey was told to stand still as the flaming torches passed in front and behind him.

Kids, never play with fire

I found him!!


Now I know what's under there!

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