Thursday, September 5, 2019


I may have picked the wrong football team

     Holy crap, that was a terrible game by the Bears.  The biggest question mark all preseason has been the kicker, and he was the only one to put up points.
     The offense did a double doink tonight.
     At one point, the offense  had 3  penalties in a row.  IN A ROW!  Yes, I yelled that.  They just looked disinterested and tired.
     I know, it's a long season.  But when you only have 16 games, each one is super important.
     I had play rehearsal tonight so taped the part of the game I missed....but I guess I did not miss much.
     I put on sunglasses, my Bears hat, and a fake moustache and went into rehearsal complaining that instead of sitting around we should all be in front of a tv watching a historic match that determines first place in the NFL central.
     Due to a slight fake hair shortage, I looked a little like Hitler.  In fact, two  bald guys in a beat up old pickup truck pulled up next to me at a light and asked where we were meeting tonight.
     They looked like nice guys.
Peace and Love  to all

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