Monday, September 23, 2019

ahhh memories, or not

I had a stroll down unmemory lane today

     Jackie and I took my brother Carl and his wife Ruth to Madison, where we met up with Joan, my sister in law.  Denny was Joan's husband, and he died 25 years ago.
     We went out for lunch and I brought some books from the basement, photo books, for people to peruse.
     Brother Carl, the first, had a lot of pictures.  Dennis, the second, had several.  Me, the baby....well, by then they must have run out of film.  Not a lot.
     I did learn some strange things.
     I was the "oops" baby in one story.  In another I was the Jack Daniels baby.  A friend of the family, Father Jack (yes, he was a real priest) brought/sent a bottle of Jack Daniels to my parents.  They drank it, got pretty wiped, and engaged in an act which came to fruition nine months later in the form of me.
     My father was considerably older than my mother, and suffered dementia and possibly a mental illness.  He was not the easiest person to live with.
     But where was I when my mother called a meeting of the kids in the early 1970s to tell them she was seeing another man? 
     Not only that, but this guy gave me a present!  A Christmas present!  Jackie remembered that.....but I did not.
     Jackie said, " He gave you a tool kit...a socket set.  It was in a blue container."
Which explains the blue socket wrench kit I have in the garage.  Have used it for years, but never knew where it came from.  Now I know.
     My mother's boyfriend gave it to me.
     And I'm an oops baby, the product of a bottle of Jack Daniels.
     It has been a strange day.
Peace and Love and socket wrenches
What?? I'm an oops?

My cousin Sally and least I think that!

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