Thursday, September 12, 2019

stormy weather

I don't like storms

     I was weeding in front when I heard the faint off wail of a siren.  It was coming from the north, and while there was a 20 percent chance of rain at noon, it was now 1 and still fairly sunny.  Except to the north.
     I went in the house just as the weather radio gave a tornado warning for communities north of us.....hence the sirens.
     But within minutes, there was another tornado warning for Rochelle.  The tv guy said there was a storm with rotating winds just west of Rochelle, and north of IL 38.  We live west of Rochelle and north of 38.
     At that point I had a quandary.  I can't get Jackie to the basement.  Yes, she could sit on the stairs and slide down, but I could never get her back up.  She would have to live the rest of her life downstairs.
     I could take on Emily and John's philosophy and get in the car and drive as fast as safely possible away from the direction of the storm.  While initially illogical, that seems to make the most sense.   Unfortunately, by now the storm was just to the south of us and Byron to the north still had sirens going.
     So the most logical choice left was to hide in an upstairs bathroom.  The weather service person  said if we do that, cover your heads with pillows. blankets, a mattress and wear a bicycle helmet if possible.
     So, I rolled her into the bathroom and gave her some pillows and did what every other idiot does during a tornado warning, I went out to watch the storm.
     Luckily, nothing happened.
     But we are not out of the woods.  Just two minutes ago our power went off for about 5 seconds, long enough to have to reboot the computer.  It is supposed to be stormy until the early hours, which means no sleep for me.
     So....that is all except for two photos from today.
Peace and Love
The sky looked like this right before Emily's house was destroyed a few years ago.

After the storm has it's to the East

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