Tuesday, September 3, 2019

money to burn

I threw away $68 today

     Just sitting at my desk, cleaning off papers, and out it went.  $68.  Gone.  No enjoyment or product purchased.
     Actually, it was all the lottery tickets I have purchased this year. If I don't win the huge prize, I just put the tickets in a pile until I check for a smaller prize.  I don't want much....$, $10,  $100,000,000...you know, not much.  Just a winning ticket.
     But not a winner in the bunch.
     I did get the ability to dream of untold riches, but that was a fleeting dream.
     The upside is, I have not been hit by lightning.
     This morning's storm brought plenty of that, and a lot of rain.  One person I know showed a rain gauge with 5 inches of water in it!  That is a lot of rain.
     Luckily no leaks or water in our basement.  I hope others were as lucky.
Peace and Love

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