Monday, September 9, 2019

odds and ends

I am at a loss for words, again

     Maybe it's the weather...or just me.
     Not much to say tonight.
     Since I started this in 201 BC, 164,000 visitors have read my posts.  This past week, readers in Ukraine outnumbered all other countries not named  USA.  I don't know anyone in Ukraine, but 37 visits from that country were recorded in the past week.
     Speaking of strange, here are a couple of pictures.
This was on the bike path.  I don't understand the message.  That is a glass cap from a pole on the railroad.  Any help??

Pam, my new table and chairs.  I actually have sat on the chairs!

     That's it.
     Hope you all have a great night and a good day.
Peace and Love

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