Friday, September 13, 2019

Fly the W

That was a great ball game today

     It did not start out well, with the Cubbies falling behind 4-0 after half an inning of play, but the guys came back!  They only scored in 3 innings, but they were 5-5-7 for a total of 17 runs!
     Hard to figure who was the star of the day:  Contreras with 2 homers, Rizzo with a grand slam, Hoerner with his first homer and 4 rbis, or Hayword with a bases clearing double that sealed the deal.  And I probably spelled half the names wrong.
     I am not an eavesdropper on purpose, but the guys behind me on the train home spoke really loud!
    One guy said he graduated from college with $30,000 in loans, and the other guy said, "Dude...I had $130,000 in debt and I was on scholarship."
     They both seemed like they were lawyers, maybe in a financial sector, and in their early 30s.    The one said he paid off most of his $30,000.  Because his dad cosigned and wanted the loan over, he gave the guy an advance inheritance of $10,000 to reduce the debt.  The second guy said when he finally found a job, it was with a start up and they only paid him $60,000 a year.  But the company did so well, he got a bonus equal to his yearly salary and applied most of that to his debt.
     They will be paying for years.
     A family got on and they had a 3 or 4 year old.  I forgot what kids are like at that age.  In the first 30 seconds, he asked "Why are the doors closing?  Why is Winfield the next stop?  Where is the engine?  When  do we start moving?"  It was kind of funny.
     And I did something that could have been pretty stupid.  I hit the subway platform at about the same time the doors closing signal beeped.  I leaped and the closing doors caught me and opened back up.  I got the rest of the way in the train, and noticed a lot of people were looking at me.
     "Nice move," said one of the passengers.
     "Not bad for an old man, huh?" I answered.  Everyone laughed.
Peace and Love

I love the shadows

Coomer and friend sang the stretch

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