Sunday, September 15, 2019

roller coaster

I feel like I am on a roller coaster

     Up.  Down.  In a loop.
     Cubs getting down early in a game I attend.  Cubs going up and winning.
     Bears getting up, going down, getting up, going down, getting up and winning.
     Sweatshirt weather.  Too hot for a sweatshirt weather.  Storms.  Dry.  Rain.  Sun.  More rain.  Full moon. Nice dinner.  No lunch.  Nice dinner.  No lunch.
Just plain crazy.
     I had a call Saturday from a niece.  She reminded me that 25 years ago on Sept. 14, my brother Dennis died of a massive heart attack.  He was 52.  I don't often admit this, but I still miss him.  We were not really that close, yet we were.       He was much older than me, so we did not do a lot together when we were growing up.
     I had forgotten how long ago it happened.
    I know Emily was a freshman at Drake, Julia was living in Sycamore, Jackie and I were on Skare Court and my mother was undergoing cancer treatments, and Jackie did not have MS, at least it was not yet diagnosed.
     A lot has changed since that day, but one thing hasn't:  Life can be short and cruel, so enjoy as much of it as you can.
     Heading up again.
Peace and Love

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