Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Finding time

I just don't seem to have time down right

     I need to get out of the house earlier than noon.  It's hard with getting Jackie up and dressed, but the days are getting shorter.
     Tomorrow I hope to go out early......which is the same hope I have had for the last two years.
     Here I am, almost 11 and I am playing solitaire instead of doing something productive with my time. 
     But that is how I am with lots of things.  I lose a couple of pounds because of biking and cutting back, then I gain it back when I stop biking and start eating like a horse.
     I ride a lot one week, then none the next.  I still have not hit 200 miles, which was my May goal.  I should be able to do that, yet I don't.  I find excuses. 
     Three books?  Still working on all three, still revising, still writing, still procrastinating...have not worked on any since before our trip.
     I keep saying I am going to do it.  But I don't.
     Maybe I should write a book on procrastination.
     By the way, last night power went out.  It was about 12:30 or so, and I noticed the house was unusually quiet and dark.  I went outside and sat in the dark for a few minutes and it was pretty neat.  I did hear an owl, but it came from the east, not from the woods in the west, which was surprising.
     I worried that there was a terrorist attack.  Or the nuke plant melted down.  Or that the grid finally collapsed.
     But after about 45 minutes, lights were back and I was able to go back to sleep.
     Now sleep.... I CAN do that!
Peace and Love

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