Tuesday, September 10, 2019

quiet nights

I like the night

     When I let Corki out about 9, I sat with a glass of red wine and listened to the night.
     Yes, there was traffic.  But there was a lot of chirping noises...cicadas and crickets.  Very calming.
     Maybe it was the wine.
     I don't think we take enough time to just sit outside and listen.   If you are lucky, you can hear dogs and coyotes in the distance.  Sometimes an owl even chimes in.  I still don't know what animal makes the  cheee cheee cheee sound I hear.
     And on a warm night like this, it is confortable..  I think it is the next to last gasp of summer.
     I saw a posting tonight that said something like 18 years ago tonight, 3,000 Americans went to bed, not knowing this would be their last night on Earth.  It's a good night to sit in the dark and reflect on that also.
     And maybe make a wish, or a prayer, that peace will  come into our world and we can all live our lives accepting the differences in other people.  We don't have to hate. 
     Goodnight my friends.
Peace and Love

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