Monday, September 16, 2019

double damn, damn

This mind thing is really getting to me

     I don't want to develop Alzheimer's, or dementia, but sometimes I wonder if I already have!
     One week ago, someone dropped off a $1,650 check at our house.  She gave it to me.  It was in an envelope.
     I told Jackie, then I put it with the other checks we had collected for assorted reasons.
     Jackie said, "Put it in the bank," on Monday
     I said I would, but didn't.
     Jackie said, "Put it in the bank," on Tuesday.
     I said I would, but I didn't.
     I bet you see the pattern, which I finally broke today.
     Except.....I had all the other little checks.  But I can't find the Big One.
     I have looked everywhere.  I have gone through our recycling bins, the shred box, the pile of crap I collect consisting of slips of paper with notes and magazine articles clipped out ... I have looked every place.
     It's frustrating when you put something in a place that you feel is safe, but you can't find it.
     Tomorrow I will look again, but I am not optimistic.
     Now I have to tell the person that gave me the check that I need another one.
    And I will deposit that ASAP.
     I also went to the grocery store, list in hand.  Bought three items, checking my list.  Went to buy the final list.  Not in my pocket, not on the floor, not in my disappeared.
     Maybe it's with the check.  They (env)eloped.
Peace and Love

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