Saturday, September 28, 2019

homecoming memories

I love looking at homecoming pictures

     But this year, the kids all looked so young! They looked so nice in their outfits, but they looked so young!
     I  sometimes wonder if I was ever that age.
     I asked a girl to homecoming my freshman year at Lake View High School.
     It was Saturday night.  Dad had sent me to Biasetti's (I know that is not spelled right) to pick up a pizza.
     On the way home I saw Mari Jane.  She was in class with me and I thought she was cute and nice.
     We stood on the corner of Greenview and Irving talking.  I held the pizza like a football, tucked up under my arm.
     Mari Jane noted that was not a good way to hold a pizza...being as it was on its side.  I probably said it was ok that way. 
     In any event, I asked her.  She said she was not allowed to date until she was 16, so no. I think it was how I carried the pizza that made her turn me down tactfully.
     I went home disheartened; and hungry.
     When my pops opened the pizza he was not very happy.  All the pieces had kind of piled up on one side of the box.  Cheese was everywhere.
     I never asked Mari Jane out again, even when she turned 16.
     And I only remember going to one homecoming dance,  but maybe that is just a figment of my imagination.
     I learned how to carry a pizza that night, a skill I still find useful.
     I bet I looked pretty young then too, just not as nicely dressed.
Peace and Love

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