Sunday, September 22, 2019

should of

I had lots of things to do today

     Wax the kitchen cabinets, clean the light fixture in the dining room, organize Swiss pictures to put in an album.
     A full day of chores.
     Instead, I napped, went to the store, napped again, and read. 
     There is something about a rainy day that just tires me out.  I get so sleepy when the raindrops when I sat down to read, I fell asleep.  Twice.
     I did finish the book....Gentleman in the Moscow Hotel....and really enjoyed it.  I loved the characters that drifted in and out and back in again. 
     I read it as an e book, that way I could enlarge the print if needed.
     I would like to read The Vagabonds next....but I don't see it in large print or e book.  I can read regular size print, but it is getting harder to do.
     Now it is almost 9:30 and I feel antsy, edgy, restless.  That does not bode well for a good night's sleep.
     But I am going to try.
Peace and Love

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