Sunday, September 29, 2019

feeling sad tonight

I hate it when the Cubs season ends

     I was listening to Pat and Ron on the radio, and Pat compared the ending of the season to the ending of a school year.   At the beginning of summer, the group that was together for so many months is broken apart.  Some may move, some may change schools, some you will see again, some you won't.
     I feel that way about my Cubs.
     You can  see the old group already going.  Joe is off to manage somewhere else, taking his laid back approach and his quirky philosophy to another team, where I imagine he will have success.
     WGN is gone, no more to televise games after a 72 year history with the team.  The radio guys are already on a different station, and hopefully they will be back.
     A couple of us have bought packs of tickets since about 2012.  We have sat through some very bad weather, watched some very bad teams, eaten a lot of bad food and had a heck of a fun time.
     2015 was different.  Maddon came, and suddenly the lovable losers were winners, even bringing home the Series trophy in 2016.
     This year was a disaster, but in 2010 it would have been considered a great success.  Now we are used to a winning team, so anything less is a disappointment.
     When I taught, the last day of school was always difficult because I knew I would not see the majority of those kids again.  After 10 months together, you really like the little guys.
     Same way with a team. 
     The future is not guaranteed for anyone.  I guess that old adage  of live life to its fullest every day is actually a wise bit of advice.
     Parting is such sweet sorrow.
Peace and Love

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