Tuesday, September 17, 2019


I did something mysterious today

     I will tell this story, but real names are not being used, to protect the innocent.
     I go to church with a man named Tom.  He is a retired high school teacher and coach.
     Once upon a time Tom coached a friend of mine, Bob, when he was in high school.
     Bob has often remarked about what a great coach Tom was.  Tom has often remarked what a great quarterback Bob was.
     Bob played for Tom in the early 1960s.
     I thought it would be fun to arrange a reunion.
     So I enlisted a third friend, John, in the venture.  I contacted Coach Tom, set up a time to meet in DeKalb, then convinced Bob that he should go to coffee with me.
     It was not easy.  Having John in made it better, because John and Bob hang around together.
     Today, we went for coffee.
     As we were leaving Rochelle, Tom asked where we were going.  I told him to Starbucks in DeKalb because I only drink their coffee.  Which is not true, by the way.  But DeKalb was the logical meeting place.  Tom did not seem happy.
    We got there, got coffee, and were sitting around, Bob, John and me, just gabbing about football, and sports in general.
    After about 5 minutes, this older guy comes in and walks directly up to Tom and stares at him.  Tom looks at him for a second or two....and says, "I think I know you.  (Pause, Pause, Pause)  Coach Bob!!!!"
     Along with Coach Bob's wife, Cindy, we spent the next 90 minutes or so listening to the all of them talk about their lives since then, their memories, people they knew.....it was a pretty neat time.
     They did exchange numbers and promised to keep in touch.   And I hope they do.
     Let's be clear....I had to lie and deceive Tom to get him to go, otherwise it would not have been a surprise.
     The downside is...I had a large coffee.  Caffeinated.  I don't think I will go to sleep for a while.
Peace and Love

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