Saturday, September 7, 2019


The older I get, the dumber I seem

     I left the zoo yesterday at 2.  I was in a hurry to get home to mow.
     I stopped for coffee,  a present, Jackie's supper, Corki's treats, and my supper.       I got home by 4.
     I thought I was making great time!
     I walked in the house and the cuckoo was clucking once...twice...three times...four times...five times.  Five times?
     What the hell!
     My watch stopped.  Instead of 4, it was 5. 
     I got supper for everyone, then went to mow.
     I ran out of gas.
     My four gas cans were empty.
    Went into town to get gas, got home too late to mow.
     So today I finished.  The grass was really long.  I mow at 3.5 inches, but the mower clogged and died twice. 
     I set the mower at 4.5 and mowed.
     Then I lowered it to 3.5 and mowed again.  It went surprisingly quick.
     When I finished, I discovered I did not lock in the height at 3.5 and was mowing at 5 inches!  Which means, I spent 40 minutes and a lot of gas driving back and forth through the yard!
     And yes, for those keeping score, it was not the first time I had done this! 
Now I have to mow again...three times in two days!
     I swear, if I get any older you will have to have someone monitor me.  Damn, aging is fun.
     So tonight I am finishing the last of the rosé.  It is going down nicely, thank you, and taking some of the sting out of being occupied.  Oops....channelling Casablanca again!
Peace and Love

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