Wednesday, September 18, 2019

huh two

     Still looking for a missing check.  Looked high, low, in between.  In old jeans and sweatshirts, under  cushions...... nada
     Here's the problem.
     If I have something in my hand and get distracted, I put the item down and take care of the distraction.  Then I forget what I started out doing.
Example:  Cleaned out my sock drawer looking for the check.  With a huge pile of stuff on the bed, Corki needs to go out.  I let her out, check Facebook, pick up my book and an hour later walk into the bedroom to see a huge pile of stuff on the bed.  And it is now 11:30, I still have not folded the towels!
     It happens at least once a day.
     Then I watched the so frustrated I stopped drinking wine!      Seriously, I have about a glass and a half from a bottle and I just had no desire to finish after that cluster wreck of a game.
     The highlight of my day...Jackie and I went to the apple orchard.  Donuts, cider, apples, caramel apples......yummy!
Peace and Love

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