Friday, September 20, 2019

finally..I'm rich

I took a “me” day today

     This should have been a zoo day.  On zoo days, someone comes in to be with Jackie for the morning.  This is for my mental peace of mind as much as anything else.
     We work out a schedule for my zoo days.  But I forgot the play zoo closes one  week for cleaning and reorganization, so our helper was here today and I did not have a zoo day.
     Rather than cancel our helper, I took the opportunity to go downtown.
     After 5 years, I finally took the architectural society boat cruse.  I had lunch at my favorite French sandwich shop.  And I won $1 million.  More on that in the pictures.
     It was a fun day……but my legs are tired.  I underestimated the distances I had to walk in the short time I had to do it. 
Peace and Love and pictures

Our guide said the top of this building has a couple of homages.  One to the river and the bridge houses along the river, and the bridges.  The second is the planter in the center....a Frank Lloyd Wright tribute.  

Another job I could not do


Willis Tower is actually 9 towers built and interlocked to provide stability for the tallest tower.  Now you know too.

You are here

No cars driving off today!

The upper floors of the Tribune Tower are being remodeled into condos.  I would love one, but there is a matter of price.

This sculpture was once hidden away in a city storage facility until it was found and remounted on a bridge...she represents the strength and spirit of Chicago

This building will be finished next year.  There are two empty floors on the tall tower to allow the winds to blow through, reducing the sway of the building.  Empty means .... open space, no walls.  The wind will blow through unimpeded.  

X marks the treasure

One of the four stars in the Chicago flag

Taking down a fire escape

I won this Million Dollars!  All I have to do is bring in an acetylene torch and safety gear, and it is mine!!

Another million....composed of $1 bills

Still another million...this one of $20

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