Monday, September 30, 2019

dumb, dumb dumb dumb

Well, color me stupid, again

     As you may remember, I dropped my camera in Switzerland.  Destroyed the lens filter, but did not damage the lens.
     Got it repaired, but I have had trouble shooting in the manual mode, where I decide the shutter speed and f stops.  I could not get the shutter speed faster than 200.  That is not good.
     I asked a friend, and he recommended United Camera Repair in Moline.
     There is no shop in Rockford that repairs, they send  cameras out.  The folks in Moline promise free estimates, no work without approval, in house repairs most of the time.
     I drove to Moline today and went to the camera shop
     It is quite unimpressive.  Just a little store tucked into a row of stores.  One might have been a massage parlor, I am not sure.
     I went in with the camera and gave it to the man, he looked at it and gave me a brief lesson on how to use the camera.
     Why a lesson?  Because everything worked for him perfectly.  I had evidently put the camera in program mode, which will not allow for much change in the shutter speed.
     No repairs needed, no charge made.  The guy was really nice and took a lot of time to answer my questions and concerns. He even told me why I could not use automatic focus in certain instances, which I did not know about.  He was likeable and I would for sure go back to him.  He even carries bulbs for old slide projectors, which I may need.
     But I did feel stupid.
     We have friends who live in the area and I decided to contact them to see if they were available for a quick visit.
     Turns out they were.  Jackie went along, and we had a nice day in Moline, which impressed me a lot.  While Jim and I went to the camera shop, Jackie and Karen stayed in and visited.
     Jim and Karen use the bike path along the Mississippi regularly. There are some neat entertainment venues and restaurants, and it just seems like a good place to live.
     So it was not a wasted trip.  But it was a good opportunity to catch up with friends we have not seen in a while.
     Now if I can figure out a time to go back and ride my bike along the river......
Peace and Love

Sunday, September 29, 2019

feeling sad tonight

I hate it when the Cubs season ends

     I was listening to Pat and Ron on the radio, and Pat compared the ending of the season to the ending of a school year.   At the beginning of summer, the group that was together for so many months is broken apart.  Some may move, some may change schools, some you will see again, some you won't.
     I feel that way about my Cubs.
     You can  see the old group already going.  Joe is off to manage somewhere else, taking his laid back approach and his quirky philosophy to another team, where I imagine he will have success.
     WGN is gone, no more to televise games after a 72 year history with the team.  The radio guys are already on a different station, and hopefully they will be back.
     A couple of us have bought packs of tickets since about 2012.  We have sat through some very bad weather, watched some very bad teams, eaten a lot of bad food and had a heck of a fun time.
     2015 was different.  Maddon came, and suddenly the lovable losers were winners, even bringing home the Series trophy in 2016.
     This year was a disaster, but in 2010 it would have been considered a great success.  Now we are used to a winning team, so anything less is a disappointment.
     When I taught, the last day of school was always difficult because I knew I would not see the majority of those kids again.  After 10 months together, you really like the little guys.
     Same way with a team. 
     The future is not guaranteed for anyone.  I guess that old adage  of live life to its fullest every day is actually a wise bit of advice.
     Parting is such sweet sorrow.
Peace and Love

Saturday, September 28, 2019

homecoming memories

I love looking at homecoming pictures

     But this year, the kids all looked so young! They looked so nice in their outfits, but they looked so young!
     I  sometimes wonder if I was ever that age.
     I asked a girl to homecoming my freshman year at Lake View High School.
     It was Saturday night.  Dad had sent me to Biasetti's (I know that is not spelled right) to pick up a pizza.
     On the way home I saw Mari Jane.  She was in class with me and I thought she was cute and nice.
     We stood on the corner of Greenview and Irving talking.  I held the pizza like a football, tucked up under my arm.
     Mari Jane noted that was not a good way to hold a pizza...being as it was on its side.  I probably said it was ok that way. 
     In any event, I asked her.  She said she was not allowed to date until she was 16, so no. I think it was how I carried the pizza that made her turn me down tactfully.
     I went home disheartened; and hungry.
     When my pops opened the pizza he was not very happy.  All the pieces had kind of piled up on one side of the box.  Cheese was everywhere.
     I never asked Mari Jane out again, even when she turned 16.
     And I only remember going to one homecoming dance,  but maybe that is just a figment of my imagination.
     I learned how to carry a pizza that night, a skill I still find useful.
     I bet I looked pretty young then too, just not as nicely dressed.
Peace and Love

Friday, September 27, 2019

treat day

Today was a treat day

     Jackie and I got pedicures.  When you reach a certain age, cutting toenails is no longer and easy task.
     Ouch.  My one finger on my right hand has a crack near the nail.  It really hurts! It's hard to type when the finger that hits ol keys is super sore.
     After the peddy, we did some shopping for socks and then went out to dinner.       Last year the girls gave us a gift card for a fancy restaurant in DeKalb.  So we went there tonight, finishing the gift card.
     I had salmon, and it was pretty darn good.  Jackie had a steak and it was also nicely cooked.
     When it came time to pay, we used almost the entire balance of the card...but had no miney fur a tip.  Shud we just charge a tip?  After digging thru Jackie's wallet, we came up with a $20 bill, so that was the tip.  It was more than we should have left, but we didn't think it right to ask for change.
     I don't like tipping.  Or typing right now.
Peace and Love (ouch)

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Pogo no go

I killed a opossum tonight

     I did not mean to, but they seem to be terribly slow when approached by a car doing 50 miles an hour.  Terribly.
     I braked, and veered left.  The opossum veered right and then froze. It made one heck of a thump when it hit the car.
     I try not to run down innocent animals.   I avoid the guilty ones too.  But, so far in my life as a driver in Illinois I have hit one deer, a pheasant, two dogs, a few squirrels and the opossum.  I don't count the smaller birds.  Let's just say that I may be part of the reason the North American bird population is down about 3 million.  That's a lot of birds.
     I am just thankful that I have never hit a skunk.  I would have to sell the car if I did.
     And when I hit the pheasant, it caused about $1,200 damage to the car.  The front fender and light assembly had to be replaced.   I was shocked by the damage.
     After I hit it, the antenna in the hood area was covered with feathers.  Jackie made me stop and wipe off the feathers, because they were a little sickening for her.  I thought it gave the car a whimsical look.
     Still, I feel bad about the opossum.  It may have had a family that is now wondering where it is.
     RIP, Pogo.
Peace and Love

Wednesday, September 25, 2019


I had an unusual call recently

     Jackie and I were sitting eating supper when our house phone rang.
     We have caller ID, and if we don't recognize the number or the name, we do not answer it, figuring people will leave a message and we will call them.
     I looked at the phone and guess who was calling our house?
     I was.  On the house phone.
     Very clearly on caller ID it said Terry Dickow and gave our house number.
     How do they do that?
     Curious, I picked it up and learned the warranty on my car was about to expire and it will cost me a billion dollars to fix it.
     Jackie gets mad at me because sometimes I pick up the phone when it rings and I don't say anything.  There is no sound at all, the tv is off, radio off, and all the caller hears is silence.
     Sometimes they will speak, especially if it someone who knows me.  But generally there is nothing from their end either.
     I may have read that if you do that, the robocaller will put a note that your number is out of order and take you off their list.
     I don't know.
     I just know I hate it when telemarketers call.
Peace and Love

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Oh, deer

I have a large pest in my garden

     The tops of my carrots have disappeared.  Beans were not touched, but the carrots were munched down a lot.
     I found these:

     I am no Daniel Boone, but hose look like deer tracks to me!
     They got up into my taller planter and munched.  I have a feeling they have visited before, which explains why my strawberries never produce.
     I picked beans today, again.
     I was actually mowing, again, ran out of gas (again), got distracted, (again) and ended up picking beans.
     Before I mowed I decided to put on sunscreen to protect my beautiful face.
     So I picked up the spray can of a product I use for jock itch and sprayed it over my face.  They don't even look alike.
     A good washing solved my problem.
     Have to watch labels a little better.
     And I still have not found the check.
Peace and Love

Monday, September 23, 2019

ahhh memories, or not

I had a stroll down unmemory lane today

     Jackie and I took my brother Carl and his wife Ruth to Madison, where we met up with Joan, my sister in law.  Denny was Joan's husband, and he died 25 years ago.
     We went out for lunch and I brought some books from the basement, photo books, for people to peruse.
     Brother Carl, the first, had a lot of pictures.  Dennis, the second, had several.  Me, the baby....well, by then they must have run out of film.  Not a lot.
     I did learn some strange things.
     I was the "oops" baby in one story.  In another I was the Jack Daniels baby.  A friend of the family, Father Jack (yes, he was a real priest) brought/sent a bottle of Jack Daniels to my parents.  They drank it, got pretty wiped, and engaged in an act which came to fruition nine months later in the form of me.
     My father was considerably older than my mother, and suffered dementia and possibly a mental illness.  He was not the easiest person to live with.
     But where was I when my mother called a meeting of the kids in the early 1970s to tell them she was seeing another man? 
     Not only that, but this guy gave me a present!  A Christmas present!  Jackie remembered that.....but I did not.
     Jackie said, " He gave you a tool kit...a socket set.  It was in a blue container."
Which explains the blue socket wrench kit I have in the garage.  Have used it for years, but never knew where it came from.  Now I know.
     My mother's boyfriend gave it to me.
     And I'm an oops baby, the product of a bottle of Jack Daniels.
     It has been a strange day.
Peace and Love and socket wrenches
What?? I'm an oops?

My cousin Sally and least I think that!

Sunday, September 22, 2019

should of

I had lots of things to do today

     Wax the kitchen cabinets, clean the light fixture in the dining room, organize Swiss pictures to put in an album.
     A full day of chores.
     Instead, I napped, went to the store, napped again, and read. 
     There is something about a rainy day that just tires me out.  I get so sleepy when the raindrops when I sat down to read, I fell asleep.  Twice.
     I did finish the book....Gentleman in the Moscow Hotel....and really enjoyed it.  I loved the characters that drifted in and out and back in again. 
     I read it as an e book, that way I could enlarge the print if needed.
     I would like to read The Vagabonds next....but I don't see it in large print or e book.  I can read regular size print, but it is getting harder to do.
     Now it is almost 9:30 and I feel antsy, edgy, restless.  That does not bode well for a good night's sleep.
     But I am going to try.
Peace and Love

Saturday, September 21, 2019

crappy day

Pardon me while I complain

     The weather is terrible.
     The Cubs lost.
     My arm hurts from a flu shot.
     I am binge eating because I am upset.
     I still can't find the damn check.
     On a positive note, I opened a very nice red to drown my sorrows.  It's a Syrah.....tastes pretty darn good!
Peace and Love

Friday, September 20, 2019

finally..I'm rich

I took a “me” day today

     This should have been a zoo day.  On zoo days, someone comes in to be with Jackie for the morning.  This is for my mental peace of mind as much as anything else.
     We work out a schedule for my zoo days.  But I forgot the play zoo closes one  week for cleaning and reorganization, so our helper was here today and I did not have a zoo day.
     Rather than cancel our helper, I took the opportunity to go downtown.
     After 5 years, I finally took the architectural society boat cruse.  I had lunch at my favorite French sandwich shop.  And I won $1 million.  More on that in the pictures.
     It was a fun day……but my legs are tired.  I underestimated the distances I had to walk in the short time I had to do it. 
Peace and Love and pictures

Our guide said the top of this building has a couple of homages.  One to the river and the bridge houses along the river, and the bridges.  The second is the planter in the center....a Frank Lloyd Wright tribute.  

Another job I could not do


Willis Tower is actually 9 towers built and interlocked to provide stability for the tallest tower.  Now you know too.

You are here

No cars driving off today!

The upper floors of the Tribune Tower are being remodeled into condos.  I would love one, but there is a matter of price.

This sculpture was once hidden away in a city storage facility until it was found and remounted on a bridge...she represents the strength and spirit of Chicago

This building will be finished next year.  There are two empty floors on the tall tower to allow the winds to blow through, reducing the sway of the building.  Empty means .... open space, no walls.  The wind will blow through unimpeded.  

X marks the treasure

One of the four stars in the Chicago flag

Taking down a fire escape

I won this Million Dollars!  All I have to do is bring in an acetylene torch and safety gear, and it is mine!!

Another million....composed of $1 bills

Still another million...this one of $20

Thursday, September 19, 2019

1 down, 2 to go

I may have solved one mystery

     I keep hearing a weird call from the back yard at night.  I am curious about what animal makes such a noise.
     So the other day I posted a video of the call and asked if anyone knew.
    Thanks to the replies of animal, animal or bird, something alive, and other very helpful suggestions.  I thought it might be rocks singing.
     More exactly, it seems to be a fox call. specifically a fox alarm call.  At least that is what the recording of a fox alarm call I found sounds like.  Make sense?
     The second mystery of the disappearing check has not been solved.  I have given up looking.
     That's my progress for the day.  Not very exciting, is it?
    A final mystery is where the Cubs offense goes.  Just frustrating to watch that  roller coaster.  Yet, we still do.
     Peace and Love and runs tomorrow!

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

huh two

     Still looking for a missing check.  Looked high, low, in between.  In old jeans and sweatshirts, under  cushions...... nada
     Here's the problem.
     If I have something in my hand and get distracted, I put the item down and take care of the distraction.  Then I forget what I started out doing.
Example:  Cleaned out my sock drawer looking for the check.  With a huge pile of stuff on the bed, Corki needs to go out.  I let her out, check Facebook, pick up my book and an hour later walk into the bedroom to see a huge pile of stuff on the bed.  And it is now 11:30, I still have not folded the towels!
     It happens at least once a day.
     Then I watched the so frustrated I stopped drinking wine!      Seriously, I have about a glass and a half from a bottle and I just had no desire to finish after that cluster wreck of a game.
     The highlight of my day...Jackie and I went to the apple orchard.  Donuts, cider, apples, caramel apples......yummy!
Peace and Love

Tuesday, September 17, 2019


I did something mysterious today

     I will tell this story, but real names are not being used, to protect the innocent.
     I go to church with a man named Tom.  He is a retired high school teacher and coach.
     Once upon a time Tom coached a friend of mine, Bob, when he was in high school.
     Bob has often remarked about what a great coach Tom was.  Tom has often remarked what a great quarterback Bob was.
     Bob played for Tom in the early 1960s.
     I thought it would be fun to arrange a reunion.
     So I enlisted a third friend, John, in the venture.  I contacted Coach Tom, set up a time to meet in DeKalb, then convinced Bob that he should go to coffee with me.
     It was not easy.  Having John in made it better, because John and Bob hang around together.
     Today, we went for coffee.
     As we were leaving Rochelle, Tom asked where we were going.  I told him to Starbucks in DeKalb because I only drink their coffee.  Which is not true, by the way.  But DeKalb was the logical meeting place.  Tom did not seem happy.
    We got there, got coffee, and were sitting around, Bob, John and me, just gabbing about football, and sports in general.
    After about 5 minutes, this older guy comes in and walks directly up to Tom and stares at him.  Tom looks at him for a second or two....and says, "I think I know you.  (Pause, Pause, Pause)  Coach Bob!!!!"
     Along with Coach Bob's wife, Cindy, we spent the next 90 minutes or so listening to the all of them talk about their lives since then, their memories, people they was a pretty neat time.
     They did exchange numbers and promised to keep in touch.   And I hope they do.
     Let's be clear....I had to lie and deceive Tom to get him to go, otherwise it would not have been a surprise.
     The downside is...I had a large coffee.  Caffeinated.  I don't think I will go to sleep for a while.
Peace and Love

Monday, September 16, 2019

double damn, damn

This mind thing is really getting to me

     I don't want to develop Alzheimer's, or dementia, but sometimes I wonder if I already have!
     One week ago, someone dropped off a $1,650 check at our house.  She gave it to me.  It was in an envelope.
     I told Jackie, then I put it with the other checks we had collected for assorted reasons.
     Jackie said, "Put it in the bank," on Monday
     I said I would, but didn't.
     Jackie said, "Put it in the bank," on Tuesday.
     I said I would, but I didn't.
     I bet you see the pattern, which I finally broke today.
     Except.....I had all the other little checks.  But I can't find the Big One.
     I have looked everywhere.  I have gone through our recycling bins, the shred box, the pile of crap I collect consisting of slips of paper with notes and magazine articles clipped out ... I have looked every place.
     It's frustrating when you put something in a place that you feel is safe, but you can't find it.
     Tomorrow I will look again, but I am not optimistic.
     Now I have to tell the person that gave me the check that I need another one.
    And I will deposit that ASAP.
     I also went to the grocery store, list in hand.  Bought three items, checking my list.  Went to buy the final list.  Not in my pocket, not on the floor, not in my disappeared.
     Maybe it's with the check.  They (env)eloped.
Peace and Love

Sunday, September 15, 2019

roller coaster

I feel like I am on a roller coaster

     Up.  Down.  In a loop.
     Cubs getting down early in a game I attend.  Cubs going up and winning.
     Bears getting up, going down, getting up, going down, getting up and winning.
     Sweatshirt weather.  Too hot for a sweatshirt weather.  Storms.  Dry.  Rain.  Sun.  More rain.  Full moon. Nice dinner.  No lunch.  Nice dinner.  No lunch.
Just plain crazy.
     I had a call Saturday from a niece.  She reminded me that 25 years ago on Sept. 14, my brother Dennis died of a massive heart attack.  He was 52.  I don't often admit this, but I still miss him.  We were not really that close, yet we were.       He was much older than me, so we did not do a lot together when we were growing up.
     I had forgotten how long ago it happened.
    I know Emily was a freshman at Drake, Julia was living in Sycamore, Jackie and I were on Skare Court and my mother was undergoing cancer treatments, and Jackie did not have MS, at least it was not yet diagnosed.
     A lot has changed since that day, but one thing hasn't:  Life can be short and cruel, so enjoy as much of it as you can.
     Heading up again.
Peace and Love

Saturday, September 14, 2019

books, books, books

I am developing a long reading list

     I recently finished reading Radium Girls, a true story about women who worked in factories painting the luminous dials on watches in the early 1900s.     They dipped their brush in a concoction containing radium, then put the brush ibetween their lips to form a better point, then painted the numbers on the dials.
     Everyone told them the material was safe.  Everyone was  wrong.  Dozens of girls suffered horrific illnesses and deaths but the companies kept denying any wrongdoing.
     There is a local of the factories was in Ottawa, IL, just a few miles away.
     Going from sad to highly entertaining is Gentleman in a Moscow Hotel.   This story takes place right after the Russian Revolution, and the main character is charged with crimes again the state and sentenced to life in a hotel.  If he ventures out, he will be shot.
     There are so many neat characters in this book!  Sometimes I get lost, because the characters have different names depending on who is interacting with them.  I have had to go back a couple of times just to straighten it all out.
     I want to read The Vagabonds, about two car makers who take a trip across America.  And I have a note that simply says Chuck Shaden.  I'll have to Google that to jog my memory.
     Tonight is supposed to be a rainy night.  When I was a teen, I read two books by Jack Douglass:  Never Trust a Naked Bus Driver and My Brother was an Only Child.
     Douglass was a writer for Jack Parr and other early television comedians.  His books were irreverent and funny.  Chapters might be one or two sentences.
     One story he told was about a little boy in Appalachia.  Thunder scared him, so his parents told him thunder was the sound of Rip Van Winkle a bowlin in them hills.
     He was no longer scared.
     One day he was sent down to the store for some supplies.  While he was there, there was a loud clap of thunder.
     The merchant said to him, "Do you know what that was?"
     The little boy proudly answers, "Yes sir,  That is the sound of Rip Van Winkle a bowlin in them hills."
     The store keeper looked at him and said, "No, you damn fool.  That's thunder."
     I still laugh.  I need to find those  books.
     Have a safe night.  Hope none of your basements flood and that we don't have to build an ark tomorrow.

Peace and Love

Friday, September 13, 2019

Fly the W

That was a great ball game today

     It did not start out well, with the Cubbies falling behind 4-0 after half an inning of play, but the guys came back!  They only scored in 3 innings, but they were 5-5-7 for a total of 17 runs!
     Hard to figure who was the star of the day:  Contreras with 2 homers, Rizzo with a grand slam, Hoerner with his first homer and 4 rbis, or Hayword with a bases clearing double that sealed the deal.  And I probably spelled half the names wrong.
     I am not an eavesdropper on purpose, but the guys behind me on the train home spoke really loud!
    One guy said he graduated from college with $30,000 in loans, and the other guy said, "Dude...I had $130,000 in debt and I was on scholarship."
     They both seemed like they were lawyers, maybe in a financial sector, and in their early 30s.    The one said he paid off most of his $30,000.  Because his dad cosigned and wanted the loan over, he gave the guy an advance inheritance of $10,000 to reduce the debt.  The second guy said when he finally found a job, it was with a start up and they only paid him $60,000 a year.  But the company did so well, he got a bonus equal to his yearly salary and applied most of that to his debt.
     They will be paying for years.
     A family got on and they had a 3 or 4 year old.  I forgot what kids are like at that age.  In the first 30 seconds, he asked "Why are the doors closing?  Why is Winfield the next stop?  Where is the engine?  When  do we start moving?"  It was kind of funny.
     And I did something that could have been pretty stupid.  I hit the subway platform at about the same time the doors closing signal beeped.  I leaped and the closing doors caught me and opened back up.  I got the rest of the way in the train, and noticed a lot of people were looking at me.
     "Nice move," said one of the passengers.
     "Not bad for an old man, huh?" I answered.  Everyone laughed.
Peace and Love

I love the shadows

Coomer and friend sang the stretch

Thursday, September 12, 2019

stormy weather

I don't like storms

     I was weeding in front when I heard the faint off wail of a siren.  It was coming from the north, and while there was a 20 percent chance of rain at noon, it was now 1 and still fairly sunny.  Except to the north.
     I went in the house just as the weather radio gave a tornado warning for communities north of us.....hence the sirens.
     But within minutes, there was another tornado warning for Rochelle.  The tv guy said there was a storm with rotating winds just west of Rochelle, and north of IL 38.  We live west of Rochelle and north of 38.
     At that point I had a quandary.  I can't get Jackie to the basement.  Yes, she could sit on the stairs and slide down, but I could never get her back up.  She would have to live the rest of her life downstairs.
     I could take on Emily and John's philosophy and get in the car and drive as fast as safely possible away from the direction of the storm.  While initially illogical, that seems to make the most sense.   Unfortunately, by now the storm was just to the south of us and Byron to the north still had sirens going.
     So the most logical choice left was to hide in an upstairs bathroom.  The weather service person  said if we do that, cover your heads with pillows. blankets, a mattress and wear a bicycle helmet if possible.
     So, I rolled her into the bathroom and gave her some pillows and did what every other idiot does during a tornado warning, I went out to watch the storm.
     Luckily, nothing happened.
     But we are not out of the woods.  Just two minutes ago our power went off for about 5 seconds, long enough to have to reboot the computer.  It is supposed to be stormy until the early hours, which means no sleep for me.
     So....that is all except for two photos from today.
Peace and Love
The sky looked like this right before Emily's house was destroyed a few years ago.

After the storm has it's to the East

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Finding time

I just don't seem to have time down right

     I need to get out of the house earlier than noon.  It's hard with getting Jackie up and dressed, but the days are getting shorter.
     Tomorrow I hope to go out early......which is the same hope I have had for the last two years.
     Here I am, almost 11 and I am playing solitaire instead of doing something productive with my time. 
     But that is how I am with lots of things.  I lose a couple of pounds because of biking and cutting back, then I gain it back when I stop biking and start eating like a horse.
     I ride a lot one week, then none the next.  I still have not hit 200 miles, which was my May goal.  I should be able to do that, yet I don't.  I find excuses. 
     Three books?  Still working on all three, still revising, still writing, still procrastinating...have not worked on any since before our trip.
     I keep saying I am going to do it.  But I don't.
     Maybe I should write a book on procrastination.
     By the way, last night power went out.  It was about 12:30 or so, and I noticed the house was unusually quiet and dark.  I went outside and sat in the dark for a few minutes and it was pretty neat.  I did hear an owl, but it came from the east, not from the woods in the west, which was surprising.
     I worried that there was a terrorist attack.  Or the nuke plant melted down.  Or that the grid finally collapsed.
     But after about 45 minutes, lights were back and I was able to go back to sleep.
     Now sleep.... I CAN do that!
Peace and Love

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

quiet nights

I like the night

     When I let Corki out about 9, I sat with a glass of red wine and listened to the night.
     Yes, there was traffic.  But there was a lot of chirping noises...cicadas and crickets.  Very calming.
     Maybe it was the wine.
     I don't think we take enough time to just sit outside and listen.   If you are lucky, you can hear dogs and coyotes in the distance.  Sometimes an owl even chimes in.  I still don't know what animal makes the  cheee cheee cheee sound I hear.
     And on a warm night like this, it is confortable..  I think it is the next to last gasp of summer.
     I saw a posting tonight that said something like 18 years ago tonight, 3,000 Americans went to bed, not knowing this would be their last night on Earth.  It's a good night to sit in the dark and reflect on that also.
     And maybe make a wish, or a prayer, that peace will  come into our world and we can all live our lives accepting the differences in other people.  We don't have to hate. 
     Goodnight my friends.
Peace and Love

Monday, September 9, 2019

odds and ends

I am at a loss for words, again

     Maybe it's the weather...or just me.
     Not much to say tonight.
     Since I started this in 201 BC, 164,000 visitors have read my posts.  This past week, readers in Ukraine outnumbered all other countries not named  USA.  I don't know anyone in Ukraine, but 37 visits from that country were recorded in the past week.
     Speaking of strange, here are a couple of pictures.
This was on the bike path.  I don't understand the message.  That is a glass cap from a pole on the railroad.  Any help??

Pam, my new table and chairs.  I actually have sat on the chairs!

     That's it.
     Hope you all have a great night and a good day.
Peace and Love

Sunday, September 8, 2019


They came out of nowhere

     I went to get a bottle of red to enjoy with my salmon tonight.  I doesn't go with fish.  I don't care.  I like red.
     As I was browsing my vast collection, my eye was caught by a strange looking book.
     I picked it up and it was a photo album.
     My Uncle Henry was a professional photographer.  Innovative, creative, and a heck of an interesting man.  I regret not taking the time to know him better.  To me he was just Uncle Henry.
     I opened the album and the ghosts appeared.
     There was my healthy, youthful mother and her sisters.  Kay, Dorothy, Loretta, Bea.  And brothers Doug and Harry. Ant their spouses, Jim, Floyd, Gene, Henry, Pat and Laurel.  My dad was  there, uncharacteristically with a Christmas bow on his head and a semi smile on his face.  There was the mysterious Minkie, the little old Scottish lady who lived with Uncle Jim and Aunt Kay and who taught me how to drink pink tea from a saucer while feasting on shortbread she made every Christmas.  I recognized my grandparents, and remembered I have a chair that might have been Grandpa Kohler's years ago.  I think it is, but 60 years is a long time to remember a chair.
     There were my brothers, my cousins, in laws of the family.  I smiled when I saw Buddy, Aunt Bea's beloved dog. 
     Most, not all, of them are gone now. 
     And I smiled when I saw the cottages on Dewey Lake in Michigan, where I spent many summer nights dreaming of the lovely Beth and her sister Deanie.  At one time, when I was 14,  I loved them both.
     My guess is the cottages are gone too.
     And there are people that are familiar, but I don't recognize them.  Family?  Friends?  I don't remember.
    I did find a red that paired very nicely with salmon and memories.
    Maybe just a little too well with the memories.
Peace ane Love

Saturday, September 7, 2019


The older I get, the dumber I seem

     I left the zoo yesterday at 2.  I was in a hurry to get home to mow.
     I stopped for coffee,  a present, Jackie's supper, Corki's treats, and my supper.       I got home by 4.
     I thought I was making great time!
     I walked in the house and the cuckoo was clucking once...twice...three times...four times...five times.  Five times?
     What the hell!
     My watch stopped.  Instead of 4, it was 5. 
     I got supper for everyone, then went to mow.
     I ran out of gas.
     My four gas cans were empty.
    Went into town to get gas, got home too late to mow.
     So today I finished.  The grass was really long.  I mow at 3.5 inches, but the mower clogged and died twice. 
     I set the mower at 4.5 and mowed.
     Then I lowered it to 3.5 and mowed again.  It went surprisingly quick.
     When I finished, I discovered I did not lock in the height at 3.5 and was mowing at 5 inches!  Which means, I spent 40 minutes and a lot of gas driving back and forth through the yard!
     And yes, for those keeping score, it was not the first time I had done this! 
Now I have to mow again...three times in two days!
     I swear, if I get any older you will have to have someone monitor me.  Damn, aging is fun.
     So tonight I am finishing the last of the rosé.  It is going down nicely, thank you, and taking some of the sting out of being occupied.  Oops....channelling Casablanca again!
Peace and Love

Friday, September 6, 2019


Talk about an awkward moment

     I was showing a hissing cockroach.  These are about 2 to 3 inches long...they are a big bug.
     A young boy was looking at it and turned to his mom and said, "These are a lot bigger than the ones we catch at home."
     Mom just smiled.....awkwardly.
     I stopped for a sandwich for Jackie's supper.  Jackie had texted me with her order.  I stepped up to the counter and had trouble reading the small the girl behind the counter asked if she could read it.  I gave the phone to here and she ordered exactly what Jackie wanted.
     Not what she got, but what she wanted was ordered.  That's half the battle.
     I wonder sometimes how it is so easy to not get the order right!  No chicken means, no chicken.
     And the use of gloves bothers me every time I am in a restaurant or deli.  The gloves are to protect we consumers from germs and impurities you the server have on your hands.  If you pick up a box, open it, take out the contents and then  handle food, you should change gloves!
     I cringe sometimes.
     I used the bathroom on the oasis in DeKalb today and a guy walked in on his phone.  He had the clip over the ear kind and he carried on a conversation about upcoming projects as he used the urinal!
     I was using the hot air blower to dry my newly washed hands and wondered how he would handle a conversation with the dryer running.  He handled it by walking out of  the bathroom without washing his hands, but he did run his hands  through his hair.  Ewww!!!
     And people wonder why I don't use touchscreen ordering menus.
     Sleep tight.  Wash after going potty.
Peace and Love

Thursday, September 5, 2019


I may have picked the wrong football team

     Holy crap, that was a terrible game by the Bears.  The biggest question mark all preseason has been the kicker, and he was the only one to put up points.
     The offense did a double doink tonight.
     At one point, the offense  had 3  penalties in a row.  IN A ROW!  Yes, I yelled that.  They just looked disinterested and tired.
     I know, it's a long season.  But when you only have 16 games, each one is super important.
     I had play rehearsal tonight so taped the part of the game I missed....but I guess I did not miss much.
     I put on sunglasses, my Bears hat, and a fake moustache and went into rehearsal complaining that instead of sitting around we should all be in front of a tv watching a historic match that determines first place in the NFL central.
     Due to a slight fake hair shortage, I looked a little like Hitler.  In fact, two  bald guys in a beat up old pickup truck pulled up next to me at a light and asked where we were meeting tonight.
     They looked like nice guys.
Peace and Love  to all

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

not again

I am getting frustrated with Comcast

     Seems the internet has gone out several times over the past few weeks.       Sometimes it is for a few minutes, other times longer.
     Tonight it was gone for about 15 minutes.....just when I was ready to write.
     So here I am.  11:40 and still up.
     What happened to my plan to go to bed at 10 and get up at 7?
     Had a great time tonight with my Exit 99 pals.  Looks like we will be doing a couple of shows this watch for our Facebook posts once we get dates officially nailed down.
     Now, off to bed.  I think.
Peace and Love

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

money to burn

I threw away $68 today

     Just sitting at my desk, cleaning off papers, and out it went.  $68.  Gone.  No enjoyment or product purchased.
     Actually, it was all the lottery tickets I have purchased this year. If I don't win the huge prize, I just put the tickets in a pile until I check for a smaller prize.  I don't want much....$, $10,  $100,000, know, not much.  Just a winning ticket.
     But not a winner in the bunch.
     I did get the ability to dream of untold riches, but that was a fleeting dream.
     The upside is, I have not been hit by lightning.
     This morning's storm brought plenty of that, and a lot of rain.  One person I know showed a rain gauge with 5 inches of water in it!  That is a lot of rain.
     Luckily no leaks or water in our basement.  I hope others were as lucky.
Peace and Love

Monday, September 2, 2019

the end

I think summer is over

     Labor Day seems to signal the end of summer.  No more hot, lazy days.  Now we are into fall.
     Labor Day is also the last day of the Renaissance Faire in Bristol, Wisconsin.
     One act, Broon, was quite a surprise in that the pulled a 10 year old boy out of the audience to help with a bit.  The kid was sharp, funny, quick and ended up staying on stage throughout the rest of the act.
     Later, when Moonie and Broone do the last show of the faire, the kid was in the audience and he actually became part of the show. He was not a plant, just a funny kid in the right place at the right time.
     Enough words.  Pictures from the day.

Bubbles are always fun

This is the insult king....booth is like a dunk tank, only people throw tomatoes

lots of tomatoes

I have to look back....think I have taken her picture several times over the years.

Joey...a volunteer from the audience became a huge part of the act

Yes, he juggles real bowling balls

More fire...surprised he had Joey involved in this...but their faces tell a story

Adam the whip expert

Adds a little heat to the act

Crafts are there too

The trick is to use a bullwhip to knock the burning pretzel out of Moonie's butt.

Joey was told to stand still as the flaming torches passed in front and behind him.

Kids, never play with fire

I found him!!


Now I know what's under there!