Saturday, August 31, 2019


Pretty nice day today

     The temperature was almost perfect.  Hint of fall is in the air, don't you think?
And I am not talking about pumpkin spice anything...just a little nip in the breeze.  Plus the sun is setting earlier and lower in the sky.
     My garden was neglected for the past two weeks.  I did not go out and pick the last beans, and when I did I found they were not worth picking.  Plus, something is eating my tomatoes.  A round fruit looks great on one side but all chewed up on the other.  Carrots are going crazy and the cucumbers have been huge.
     I did go on a bike ride today.  I got about 11 miles and surprisingly wasn't totally tired after.  Maybe there is hope.
     What tops a good day off?  Good food with family and friends.  I even had a beer with my pizza, which is quite unusual.  But when in Rome.....
     Have a fun Labor Day weekend.
Love and Peace

Friday, August 30, 2019


I had to do some homework tonight

     And like many of my homework assignments, like  my high school senior year geography workbook, it was long overdue and ignored.
     I take out a hissing cockroach for people to lightly pet.  I know next to nothing about the critter, and what I thought I did know was not correct.
     So tonight I spent some time reading about these little critters so I can properly answer questions.
     They are hissing cockroaches because they have the ability to expel air when frightened, trying to find a mate, or battling another cockroach.  It is a loud sound.  I once suggested that they would be more entertaining if they were called farting cockroaches, but my humor was not appreciated.
     I have never heard one hiss.  I keep waiting, but nothing.
     I have a hisstory ( get it?) of procrastinating on assignments.
     In high school, we had a teacher who required us to use a geography book to complete a workbook.  She only had a certain number of books, so each class had to leave their books for the next.
     Friend John likes to remind me it was a couple of weeks before graduation and I had not yet started the required to pass the class workbook.  But due to my amazing ability to retain information, and knowing the old bat teaching the class never looked at the answers to see if they were correct, only that they were there, I managed to complete the workbook in one weekend or so. 
     OK, the answers did not make sense.  Gibberish.  Nonsense.
     But they were answers and she gave me a passing grade.
     If I had paid attention in class, instead of gabbing with Connie and anyone else, I might have learned something.
     Connie was Greek, by the way.  One day in class the teacher called on me asking, "What's a Greek urn?"  I turned to Connie and said, "Hey, much does your dad make?"
     I thought it was funny.
Peace and Love

Thursday, August 29, 2019

how much?

I sometimes hate these flip/flop shows

     Tonight, there is a show where a good looking blond and her snarky ex husband flip houses in California.  They  bought a 3 bedroom, 1,000 square foot house to flip.  It costs $510,000.
     For 1,000 square feet.
     That is insane, and one reason why homelessness is on the rise in cities experiencing rapid growth in high paying jobs.
     Of course, they always find a major problem early in the show...whether it is asbestos, a cracked foundation, mold, something they did not expect.  And it is like that with every show!  Always a problem.
      By the way....they plan to put $75,000 in renos in the house and then sell it as an entry level house to a young couple just starting out.
     When Jackie and I started out, we had a similar financial decision to make:  buy the wood grained contact paper or the light tan.  We then took two cardboard boxes and wrapped the contact paper around the box, creating two end tables.           Not sturdy end tables, but they did hold a lamp.
     Her dad ended up giving us some old steel tables that we used for years.  And we used our cardboard ones for storage and as a base for our first Christmas tree...a two footer.
     I guess young couples starting out today are a little better off than we were.
Peace and Love

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

strange things

There was an accident near us today

      It was at Flagg and Skare Road.  I don't know when, but at some point we heard sirens.  Corki barks when she hears them.  She also barks at tractors going down the road.  Yes, it does happen.
     Anyway, did not pay attention to the sirens.  When cooking supper I looked out the window and saw police cars at the corner.  After supper I rode my bike, passing that area, and saw lots of glass and some damage to the grass, like what a car would make when it was skidding.
     I just hope everyone is ok.  That time of night is bad because the sun can blind you from the west if you are pulling out from Skare.  A car coming from the west might not been highly visible, especially if it's a dark car without lights on. 
     I sometimes go down to Fowler if it is early in the day because the same problem happens in the morning.  Sometimes, because I am rarely up that early.
     I did a history walk with fifth graders today.  I forgot how little they are, and how much energy they have.  It's always a trip going into my old classroom.     Brings back lots of memories and a few regrets too.
     Anyway, can't live life looking backward, can you?
Peace and Love

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

on the road

I had a medical road trip today

     Met with my urologist in Sandwich, which is about an hour away.  His office was in Sycamore until just a couple of weeks ago, but now he is in Sandwich.
     I get panicky.  I was afraid I would get lost, although I knew the directions.  I was afraid I would miss the turn, although I knew where the turn was.  I was afraid I would not find the office and make the appointment on time.  I was afraid of what he would say.
     In the end (literally) he said I was not to worry about my PSA level creeping up...because it was creeping, not running amok.  It is normal for a man of my age. 
     Not going into a lot of detail, he completed his exam quickly.  We spent a lot of time talking about stress, diet, exercise, weight control....and he gave me a book to read prior to my next appointment in six months.
     I drove home via Sycamore and DeKalb because I had three stops to make.  I forgot the third.
     I was reminded of that when I got home and got on the mower, only to discover that I had no gas cap.  I knew I had no gas cap because I mowed over it last week, shattering it into a billion pieces.  I called my friend at the place where I  bought the mower and he cautioned me about mowing without a cap, because if dirt or grass got into the tank I would have bigger problems than long grass.
He then offered to drop a lid off on his way home.
     When I got home from our first rehearsal of the winter play, I found the gas cap.
     Now I can mow...or rather tomorrow, because it is a little late tonight. 
     So....maybe tonight I will sleep well.
Peace and love and a couple of pictures

Can't see me...I'm in camo

New building in Rochelle......just kidding...Chi town

I just liked this barn.

Monday, August 26, 2019

happy day

I had some good fortune today

     My light fixture for the laundry room is evidently available.  I should know in a couple of days if it truly is, or if the website is not being honest.
      As a reminder, the fixture shorted out.  The transformer or whatever is dead, so the fixture is dead.  This is a curved track lighting, with 4 supports fastened to the ceiling.  A new track means I have to repair the holes and have the ceiling repainted.  Luckily, the identical track seems to be available, making life so much easier.
     Which brings me  to my camera.   Reminder 2:  I dropped it in Switzerland.    The lens cover/filter shattered and had to be cut off and replaced.  No damage to the camera and lens.
     As I was leaving the camera shop, I thought about a project I have long delayed.  Going through the family slides and getting rid of them.  Sadly.
     I asked if they had a good recommendation for scanning slides to digital.  She said they did not sell any, but they used an Epson professional scanner to scan the slides.
     I have an Epson professional scanner that the girls gave me a few years ago because I said I was going to start scanning family pictures.  I read the on line owner's manual and found I needed a special sleeve.  It looked familiar, and after about 15 minutes of searching, I actually found it!  Amazing, isn't it?
     I stopped for coffee and when I went back to the car, I found $3 in the parking lot!
     And it stopped raining long enough for me to grill my salmon for dinner tonight!
     So many positives.........kind of worries me a little.
     One odd tidbit.  A couple of times in the past few weeks I have had a weird dream that woke me up.  When I go back to sleep, it have it again, waking up again.
     That happened last night.  Short description:  In my dream I am going someplace.  When I arrive I am two hours late.  But I left the house on time, did not get lost, went directly to where I was supposed to.  People said I never answered phone calls.  I was lost for 2 hours and had no recollection of where I was.  Happened twice.  Weird.
     Maybe tonight I will find out where I was.
Peace and Love

Sunday, August 25, 2019


I put my outdoor table together today

     Finally!!  It has been finished for almost two weeks, just not assembled.  All I had to do was put the four legs on.
     But even that proves difficult.
     The directions say line up the markings.  I  read that after the second leg was on, so I had to take two legs off and start over.  Turns out, the markings do line up when put in the right spots.
     But I am confused.  The printed directions show one set of bolt and washer, but the actual leg has two sets.  One set appears to be attached to the bolt at the base while the other comes off and can be screwed on once the leg is attached.      Confused?  So am I.
     I just finished a bottle of rosé called Fleur de Mer.  Flower of the sea. (which could add/cause my confusion, btw) I really liked it.  It's French, of course.  I paired it with a soy based buffalo chicken patty and two ears of sweet corn.  Very tasty.  I ended the meal with a dessert of freshly popped caramel corn and another glass or two.
     Who says I don't have taste?
     Rain forecast for tomorrow, so I plan to head up to Rockford to pick up my camera and look for a light fixture.  It's hard to do laundry in the dark.
     Them again, some people say I have been operating in the dark a long time.
Peace and Love

Saturday, August 24, 2019

dazed and confused

I was up by 5:30 this morning

     A.M.  ME!  I volunteered to work at the market, checking in vendors and telling them their spaces.
     It went pretty well, but I am tired.
     I also fed and twice let out the dogs.  Unlike last night, I knew where all the dogs were and most of their names.  I got the food right too, I think.
     Today marked day 11 of not putting the legs on the table for the patio.  I will do that tomorrow.  I will.
     The table is laying on the floor of the garage, which means I can't park my car in the garage.  I think 11 days is enough.
     Emily and John brought us caramel corn from Galena....and it is great caramel corn.  I ate too much of it already.  Jackie got a butter pecan flavored corn, which is pretty good too.
     And I  got a bottle of now the picture is complete.  When my dad hit a certain age all we could buy him for birthdays and Christmas were nuts, wine and cigarettes.  I think his descent into wackiness started when he was about 70.
     Uh oh. 
     Think I'll have some more caramel corn.
Peace and Love

Friday, August 23, 2019

what a day

Had my seventh Cub game of the season today

     I almost did not make it.
     The tickets are on my mobile phone.  For the first six games, I would get to the park, open my wallet on the phone, and get the ticket.
     The first six.  This was game seven.
     On the train, I tried to check my ticket....and could not find it.  Wallet was empty, or not set up even.
     I tried the MLB ap, but I could not get in because I did not use the right password.  I called home, Jackie gave me the password, but I could not get in.      Tried resetting the password.  They gave me a temprary password  to use.  The password  was not accepted.
     I tried for the entire train ride into the city.
     When we got to the park, I went to the mobile ticket window and explained the problem.  The nice man said, "Log into Yahoo."
     Well, I entered my password instead.  I started over.  When I went to log in, I entered my password instead of my user name.  Three times I did this, getting more frustrated every minute as the line kept building behind me.
I finally stepped out, entered my e mail address then my password and got into     Yahoo.....but when I gave the phone back to the guy, he punched a lot of numbers and letters and got nothing.
     Finally, he asked me my last name and ran a search through ticket holders, found the four pack I purchased, got Linda and Dan's seat number, and found my ticket for today, and printed a paper one for me.
     Then we sat through a miserable game for the Cubs...and watched a 9-3 loss.
     Topping it off, I used my Ventra card to board the L....but nothing happened.  I tried again...nothing.  Then I noticed I was using my AAA club card.  Once I used the Ventra card, no problem at all.
     When I got home I had to feed Emily and John's dogs.  I got all the food parcelled out, but I had one bag left.  I counted dogs, and had all the dogs....still one bag left.
     That's when I saw the newest dog in a crate in the dark.  Black dog, dark spot...almost missed her.
     In the end, all were fed, let out, petted, and put to bed.
     Which is where I am going because I have to be up at 5:30 tomorrow.
Peace and Love and Zzzzzzs

Thursday, August 22, 2019


Sometimes life is just too bizarre

     I read a story on Yahoo news about 6 people arrested in a conservation area in Connecticut.
     Why were the arrested?
     They were having sex in the woods!
     But the weirdest part of the story is an 85 year old woman was among those arrested!!  85, and having sex in the woods.  Bless her heart.
     They did not have a mug shot of her, but I imagine one will show up soon.  The rest of the people were all much younger than her.....I mean they were from 62 on up.
     In Rockford the other day they arrested 28 people on sex trafficking and prostitution charges and most of those were men in their 60s and 70s.
     Viagra is causing a crime wave.
     Todd, a friend of mine, was in southern Illinois lately and surprised me with a basket of Illinois peaches.... because he knows how much I love Illinois peaches.  So this year, Dan and Linda and Todd have satiated my peach desire.  Thank you all!!
     Follow up on my light issue.  I replaced a bulb, and nothing.  I called an electrician and he came out today and said the fixture was dead.  This is a curved track lighting system.  I need to buy a similar unit,  because the lights are anchored to the ceiling in a couple of locations and I don't want to have to hire someone to come in, repair the holes and paint the ceiling.  I know I won't do it.
     Oh, if anyone cares, I will be out walking in the woods this weekend......
Peace and Love

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

where did it go?

I seem to have lost some weight

     My scale at home shows I am down about 8 pounds since the start of summer.  I went to the doctor today and I am down about 6 from my last visit.
     How did that happen?
     I think the visit to Julia's helped.
     She has 15 steps to the second level.  I bet I went up and down 10 times a day when I was there.
     Plus, I didn't munch on all the stuff I usually munch on.
     But now that I am back, I have returned t o  a sedentary life style and I snack a lot.  The potato chips don't help, either.
     I need to start riding my bike again and cutting down on the not very healthy snacks.
     Opportunity is knocking, but am I listening?
Love and Peace

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

huh......just huh

Sometimes my life is just weird

     We moved into this house about 7 years ago.  I picked out a really neat track lighting system for the laundry room.  It has 5 lights.
     I ordered the fixture, and bought 5 light bulbs.  Lo and behold, it came with lights included.  So I put the extra lights away, knowing one day I would have to replace ones that burned out.
    Over the years I have replaced two or three.  I currently have 2 burned out, and I fully intended to change them.
     Today, the remaining 3 went out.  All at once.  That makes no sense.  I checked the breakers, they are fine.
     So I pulled one of the dead light bulbs out and it broke.  Part of the plug is still in the light.
     But I figured no big deal.  I will replace the next one, then flip the breaker to turn off the power and use a pliers to pull out the plug still stuck in the light.
     I can't find the replacement bulbs.  They are not where I keep light bulbs.  They are not where I keep towels.  They are not in the cabinet in the laundry room.
     I don't think I have replaced 5 bulbs.  I think I replaced 2 in the entire time, so I should have 3 left.
     My next problem is if I put in new bulbs and it still doesn't work, I guess I call an electrician.
     Things like this just flummox me. 
     Plus, I am still waking up at 5:30.  So now I get tired and cranky around 4.     And I still have not put the damn table together. 
     I'm just a frustrated old man tonight.
Peace and Love and let there be light

Monday, August 19, 2019

aw, geez

I lost a day....again

    I had good intentions.  Assemble the table.  (I said that for four days now.  Still not done.)  Pick vegetables.  Weed where needed.  Empty the compost bucket.  Clean the chandelier.
    I did nothing.  Nada.  Zilch.
    I ran some errands, got my assignment for Saturday morning,  blanched  and froze some beans and corn, but still had stuff to do.
    Hopefully tomorrow I can cross the table off my list.  Lord knows I want to put it outside sometime this summer.
    Life certainly does get busy at times.  Or maybe I just get a case of the slows.      Whatever, I know it will be better tomorrow.
Peace and Love

Sunday, August 18, 2019

odds and ends

Just some strange observations and thoughts

     I've listened to music a long time.  Words change.  When Little Richard sings that Molly likes to ball, it isn't actually a sexual reference.  Back when the song was done, ball meant to dance.  So Molly likes to dance.
     Mack the Knife is a dark song set to lively music.  Mac is a serial killer.  With a knife.  A big, sharp knife.
     Does a house burn down, or up?  Sometimes I get confused.
     Caught a dragonfly in the house Sunday.  During dinner.  We all heard it, but Barb saw it first.  Caught it and released it out front, hoping it will eat some of the mosquitoes that attack me in the garden.
     Captured another ground squirrel.  We had a nice chat on our ride out to the country.  He/she was not happy.  Do these critters have a homing sense that would allow them to travel over a mile to get back to my yard and their burrow?  Do I need to go farther away?
     Why do I always have one shoelace longer than  the other?
     I read where an Italian gent died recently.  He claimed to have had sex with over 6,000 women.  He died having sex in the back seat of his car with a tourist he had just met.  This just reinforces my belief that there is something fundamentally wrong with some people.
     I have slept with over 100 women at a time.  Usually it is around 2 a.m.   Almost everybody is asleep by then, so I am guessing that there are 100 women somewhere asleep the same time as me.
     We got a strange letter.  The person's name was clipped off the return address label.  It came from a city where we know no one.  I opened it, curious about the mysterious letter.  Inside I found a card we had mailed to someone with a Post It note from a stranger attached, telling us these people moved 6 years ago.  I thought that was thoughtful.  Now I wonder where the Christmas cards are going.
     I am addicted to caramel crunches at Starbucks.  Need to stop.
     Have only played spider solitaire twice since coming back from Julia's.  I don't miss it.
     I am tired, but I think I had too much coffee to sleep.  I am going to try.
Peace and Love

Saturday, August 17, 2019


Had a great day in the Hub City today

     I helped set up the museum booth, an ice cream social type enterprise with cake, pie, cookies and custard.
     Then I found Frank and Barb.  I grew up with Frank and his brother John.  Frank and wife Barb have a 65 Impala convertible in beautiful condition and came for the car show.
     We sat and talked and I realized the one hour I said I would be gone was now about 2 and a half.
     I checked in at the museum, went home, and later returned to the downtown to help take down the museum booth.   By then John had arrived, so we all sat and visited.
     Thing is....I didn't really help at the museum!  When I started home, they were going to keep selling for a while.  Hope all went well.
     Meanwhile, John, Frank and Barb came out and I  burned some burgers and brats on the grill.
     And we talked about the old days.....time spent in high school, time wasted in high school, nights in The Shed, people no longer with us, and lots of other good, fun things.
     I don't  remember a lot from those days.....never have.  I usually can't even remember what year I graduated. Wonder why.  I have vivid memories of working at food stores, but not of social things.  So either I was busy working, or just too self absorbed to know what was going on around me.
     I sort of think the latter may be true...still is, to a certain degree.
     It was a lot of fun visiting with friends from my younger years.  We don't do it enough.
Peace and  Love and memories

Friday, August 16, 2019

if I were a rich man.....

I made a trip to Amboy today

     I know many of you are saying, "huh?"
     Amboy is a small town southwest of us, about a 30 minute drive.  There is a nice museum there, but I did not visit that.
     It is the place where Carson Pierre Scott & Co got its start, but I did not visit  that.
     Great little restaurant, but I did not visit that.
     One of the biggest Carhart stores I have ever seen, but I did not visit that.
     I did go to city hall, where I bought 50/50 tickets.  $10 worth for me, and $10 worth for Dan and Linda.
     Why did I go all that way to buy tickets?
     Because last year the winner walked away with about $99,000 and the year before the winner netted $120,000, or something near that.
     The pot used to be small, like $5,000.  But over the years the pot has grown and grown and grown until it hits an amazing amount.
     Money is used for projects around the community, like supporting the museum, city improvements, scholarships and other neat shtuff.
     Yes, I could have bought the tickets a little closer to home.  But in Amboy, I can buy them at city hall and walk across the street to the grocery store, go in and put them in the giant barrel myself.  That way I know for sure my tickets are in the drawing.
     I should have taken a selfie....but I forgot.  I could have bought more tickets and then taken a selfie, but I didn't want to.
     After all, you only need one ticket to win, right?
     Hopefully, we  have that ticket.
Peace and Love

Thursday, August 15, 2019

double damn

I need some relief

     I need the Cubs to start winning.  Tonight was a frustrating experience.       Leading 5-1 going into the bottom of the ninth and you can't win it?  Damn.
     That left a bitter taste in my mouth.
     Other than that, my day was pretty good.  Ate sweet corn, had a pork chop sandwich, mowed the yard, picked beans.....all good stuff.
     Then I watched the Cubs.
     At least I made it past 11 tonight.
     Oh well....tomorrow's another day.
Peace and Love

Wednesday, August 14, 2019


Sometimes little things fascinate me

     Like windows.
     European windows are a little different.

     See what I mean:

A closed window

Ahh.....lots of fresh air.  but what if it rains or it is nighttime?

Ok, the view is prety good

     Rain or night, or if you are gone for the day, you can open the top of the window and get fresh air!


     The windows open two ways... from the top or from the side.  The opening is based on which way you turn the handle.
     Some of the doors work the same way, allowing you to safely leave the door open for ventilation but keeping rain and critters out.
     Who thought of that?  
     And why do windows in the US not do that?
      I won't go into the screen situation over the pond....they usually don't have any.  Yet bugs are not a big issue.  Go figure.
     Digression:  I made it awake till past 10, but I have been up since 5.     Hopefully I can sleep till 8 tomorrow.
Peace and Love

Tuesday, August 13, 2019


Just a few pictures to share today

These signs are all around the bottom of the board is a spot for cigarette butts.  I saw many signs in French the local language, but also many in English.

This is what happens when you let your nephew hold he camera while you make a bathroom run.

Notice the line?  Funny story.  My camera has a strap.  It also has a cord that connects to a computer.  If you are tired when  picking up the camera, the cord is not a good choice to carry it by because it may detach from the camera, allowing your really expensive instrument to bounce down three concrete steps.  I think just the lens filter is damaged, but it hit so hard I can't get it off.

Hope it does not see a cat

Grand pine...just down the street from Julia's.  This tree is enormous and I love looking at it.

Never walked on a 12 million franc floor before

Yes, I know the frame is for the scenery, not me.

Love the knife

Beverage of choice when boarding business,  Hint, it is not apple cider!

     So last night I went to bed at 9 and slept until 5.  Hopefully tonight I will make it to 10 and sleep until 8.  Hopefully.
Peace and Love

Monday, August 12, 2019

home again

Who said you can't go home again?

     Well, we are back home again.
     After a lot of time in airplanes we arrived safely at our ever so welcome home.
     Thanks John for taking time on his birthday to pick us up at O'Hare.  Thanks Julia for getting us to the plane on time.  Thanks Sheri for taking great care of Corki and the house.
     I figure I have been awake for about 22 hours, so I am beginning to get punchy and clumsy.  Sure sign of fatigue.
     Suitcases will stay packed for cheese in them this trip.
     Just a lot of memories stored in the luggage and in our minds.
Peace and Love

Sunday, August 11, 2019

the end is near

I knew I would have to go home

     I always have mixed emotions.
     Yes, I will be  glad to be home in my own house, in my own bed, with my other daughter and her husband around, and our friends and the few remaining relatives within  easy driving distances.
     But it is still hard to leave.
     I usually save my tears for the airport.  It's just really hard to say so long.  Yes, we will see her in a few months, but it is never easy for me.
     Taking all that into consideration, today was a petty darn nice day.
     Weather wise, it was perfect.
     Scenic wise it was drop dead amazing.
     Julia's friend Liz lives up the mountain.  Her house has amazing views of the lake and the mountains across the lake.  It was a wonderful place for a barbecue and an afternoon of visiting.
     I did feel odd....there were four from England and three of us US era, but I understood everything.  I even learned that if you are a plonker, it is not a complement.
     Anyway, good food, good people, good conversation, good wine.
     And good night.
Peace and Love

You could see the stadium built for the fete.  The last show was today.

Put this picture alongside the next one and you get the view from Liz's place

Matt did he grilling

Our gracious host Liz and ur grimmer Matt

Tom and Stuart relaxing 
Later in the day, the rain rolled in

Saturday, August 10, 2019

parade time

We watched a parade  today

     And by we, I mean Jackie, Julia, Mike,  Kristina, Kevin and me.
     The fete has parades.  Lots of parades.  This one was in the afternoon and was a big parade.  Julia and  I saw part of it last weekend, but today was much cooler and more fun to watch\
     We also went to lunch at a restaurant next to a square where a bad was playing  It was very cool and the musicians were super energetic.
     Nephew Mike rode his motorcycle down fr a visit and we had a great afternoon visiting and parade watching;
     I even made a few "friends."
Peace and Love

cows wee a focus

after wards, got m picture with some shopkeepers

who gladly shared some wine with me

finally, my kind of cans

It's an ant!!  And a can canner

with my nephew Mike

Yes, women play too

Friday, August 9, 2019


I love my time in Switzerland

     Yes, I get to visit my daughter.  It gives Emily a break from us and reminds Julia of why she moved so far away
But I love the people here, especially the people I have met through Julia.    I w0n't name names, because some of the people are not in my pictures yet....but they will be before we leave.
     I also like the places.  The scenery.  The old architecture.  The scenery.  The lake,  The Alps.  The scenery
     And I love some of the food.  Especially the perch pan fried in butter and served with fries  This year was not as good as in the past, but he dish was still amazing.
     Julia dropped Jackie and me off and  told us what restaurant to go to.  We went in and this man in sunglasses said "Bnn jour."  I said "Bon jour" back, took two steps and realized it was George!  I have known him for at least 15 year and he and his wife  Monica are always on my list of people I want to see.  A planned surprise!
     So....enough words.
     I also though it would be neat to walk up to characters in the production and ask for a picture with them  That led to many interesting conversations!

Long time friends!

I love the scenery!