Sunday, February 24, 2019


It was a bit windy today

     It is a little after 10 p.m.  and it seems to have calmed down a little.  But it was a windy one.
     It was so windy, I didn't have to hit the gas when I drove into town.  The wind just pushed the car down the road.  Granted, it went about 25, but I did not hit the gas.  Coming home was another issue.
     By the way, last night on our way back from DeKalb, we were behind a driver doing 40 on 38.  Granted, it was raining.  But 40?  We were the fifth car behind him and I think there were another 6 behind me.  40, with occasional drops to 35.
     Yes, I did pass him/her as did the cars in front of me and a couple behind me.
If that was me, I would have pulled over in Malta to let the people behind me pass, but they did not do that.
     How windy was it?  Birds did not fly to my feeders.  They walked.  Seriously, they walked across the grass to get to the feeders. 
     It was so windy, the access panel to the attic kept flapping, making a loud banging noise.  I did not have my hearing aids in and I did hear it.
     A roof blew off in Rochelle's downtown area, a semi overturned on 39 near I 80, some houses lost shingles and the howling almost drove me insane.
     I think the temperature was 27 with a minus 3 windchill.  Did you know they don't compute wind chills if the temperature is above freezing?  I don't know if that is true, but it is banging about in my mind as a fact.
     Honestly, I don't like the weather.  I want to get outdoors.  I want to ride my bike in the warmth of a summer day.  Yet, I don't want to wish the precious time I have left away either.  So I guess I will just put on another layer and shut the heck up.
     Peace and Love.

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