Wednesday, February 6, 2019

what in the world?

I think the planets are out of alignment

     What else explains the strange news I have read over the last two days.
     The Japanese idols who are selling their used bathwater for $900 a bottle, for instance.  Holy crap!  I imagine someone will buy some.  So, I make this offer to all of you looking for a fun time.  I will take a bath next week (no jokes, I am a shower person) and sell an 8 ounce bottle of my used bathwater for only $100.
Reserve your L'eau de terry today!
     A woman in Austin Texas was arrested for masturbating in public at a cafe.  She was evidently going at it pretty vigorously when police finally cuffed her and put her in the squad, where she continued her journey into self satisfaction.  I assume they cuffed her behind her back, but maybe not.  Anyway, three elderly diners at the cafe quietly ordered what the masterbater had for lunch.
     Police in Canada arrested a landscaper suspected of being a serial killer.  He would abduct men, shave them, then dismember them.  Police had actually stopped him about two years ago for a domestic violence complaint.  The person making the complaint said he was dragged into the guy's van, which was lined with plastic, and choked.  But police wrote it off as a domestic dispute.  I would have thought the plastic lined van would have set off some alarm bells.
     In a lighter note, ever see those Where's George bills?  They are U.S. currency but there is a red stamp with a website to register the bill when you find it.  I found one at Rotary the other day and switched it with one of my own.  Today I logged in and discovered that particular dollar bill was stamped and put in circulation 37 days ago in Rockford.  Oh what a tale it could tell of its travels!
     Peace and Love to all

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