Thursday, February 14, 2019


I am feeling much better today

     I had a migraine.  I don't know what set it off, but it was accompanied by dizziness and nausea.  I stayed in bed until about 6, then went back to bed again.       I ate very little, so it is lucky I have a fat reserve on which to fall back.
That sounded pretty odd for a sentence.
     Thanks for all your concerns.  I do have a headache, but it is not a bad one.
     Jackie and I went to the middle school for a scholastic bowl contest between Sycamore and Rochelle.  Camryn was on the Sycamore team, which eventually won.
     Some of the questions I could answer, but the math ones were a problem for me.
     What I did notice was the questions in the entertainment and leisure categories did not seem to mesh real well with a middle schooler of today.  TV game shows, Neil Simon comedies, and art were some of the topics.  I didn't hear anything along the lines of:  Which well known male athlete is now female?  Or, Which Kardashian has the biggest butt?  Or, What cartoon character lives at the bottom of the ocean?
     Then I thought, this might be a fun game for adults to play.  Divide into teams of 5 and have a moderator and timer and have a scholastic bowl party.  If you don't answer a question or give an incorrect answer, you can't drink anything.  But if you win, you get to take a certain amount of your favorite beverage.
     Anyone who wants to organize one, let me know.  I'll bring some chips.
     I went to bed last night not feeling very tired.  Imagine my surprise when I woke at 9:30 this morning.  I guess sleep is a good cure for a migraine.
     Peace and Love

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