Sunday, February 17, 2019


Oven mitts are not always sticky

     We had ham and scalloped potatoes to night for supper.  Plus some green beans picked from our garden last year.
     Every think was rolling along smoothly until I put the oven mitts on and took the scalloped taters from the oven.  Or almost took them from the oven.  Luckily the dish did not turn completely over and most of the potatoes did not hit the ground.  But it was a race between Corki and me to get to the ones that did.  Not sure if they would have hurt her, but they were pretty hot.
     I could have used a little stickum on the mitts.
     Which brings me to church this morning. 
     During the passing of the peace, I shook hands with a sweet little girl and being the goofy guy I am, I would not let go....I just kept shaking her hand.      Finally we broke apart and I said, "Wow!  It was almost like our hands were glued together!"
     She looked at her hands and said, "I thought I got all the glue off but I better go wash them again."
     I probably should have told her I was just joking.
     Since I am on the topic of sticky, my headache seems to be sticking around.  Tonight it is a little stronger than at any point since last week.  Maybe it's this goofy weather.
     Peace and Love

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