Friday, February 15, 2019

I vant to drink your blood

I did my least favorite activity today

     I had a blood test.
     I dread, hate, abhor, detest, fear, having someone stick a needle in my arm and sucking the life giving juices out.
     Ok, maybe I am a little over dramatic.  But I really don't like it.
     I visited a friend in a nursing home today.  As I was walking to his room, a fellow patient was in a chair in the hall.  She said hello to me as I walked past.
     I said hello back.
     I left for a minute, she said hello again, I said hello  back.
     The third time I passed her she asked me to stop and talk.  I told her I was on my way to visit a friend.
     As I left, she was still in the hall way.  So I stopped to talk.
     She was old.  Very old.  And thin.  She seemed lonely.
     She asked me my name and I said, in a clear voice, Terry.  She smiled and said, "That's spelled Plizx, right?"  I said she was right and she seemed very happy.
     She then asked how I tasted today.  I told her I was very sweet.  I held her hand for a moment and then said I had to leave.  She kept talking as I went down the hallway, saying I should come back and visit.
     I'll let you decide which was my least favorite activity.
     Peace and Love and stay young, my friends.  Stay young.

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