Sunday, February 3, 2019

what a party

I hosted a Stupor bowl party today

     Yes, I thought it was fairly boring until the fourth quarter.  And I was rooting for the Patriots, so I am happy they won.
     But the party was a disaster.
     I mistakenly coated the chicken wings with sriracha sauce.  While giving an initial bit of zest to the wings, they also provided a bit of entertainment as two of my guests ran out the front door and buried their faces in the remaining snow.      Sadly, that is also Corki's area of the yard; suffice it to say faces and feces do not mix.
     The chili on the stove bubbled over, causing a small grease fire.   By this time the beer I put in the garage four days ago was brought in and started exploding.      Luckily, the beer doused the burning chili.
     Without a reliable and not deadly beer selection on hand, three people decided to leave and go to a bar to watch the game and eat boneless chicken wings.
     We also had nachos and cheese dip.  I honestly thought Velveeta was a great choice,  and I added some peanut oil to thin the melt.   One person dipped in a nacho and immediately had a peanut reaction.  Their spouse made an emergency run to the local hospital in an attempt to reduce swelling and check for damages.       On the positive side, the Epipen worked.  Unfortunately I slipped on the charred chili on the floor and ended up injecting myself.  But I feel fine.  There don't seem to be any after affects except for momen snag, swizzle tick bouts of mental confucious. 
     By this time the game was supposed to start.  I am sure in households across the country people enjoyed watching the kickoff to what turned out to be a very low scoring affair, which may have caused some people to drift off to a sound sleep during the second quarter.
     I don't remember much about the game after that.  When I woke up about 10, the house was dark, Jackie was in bed, Corki was finishing the rest of the chili and I again realized why I never host a Super Bowl party.
    Now, I have some cleanen' to do, Lucy.  Oh, and if you happen to come over, don't get downwind of the dog.
    Peace and Love

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