Monday, February 4, 2019

what world?

I may be becoming a hermit

      During the Polar Vortex, I did not leave the house for two days.  OK, I stepped out on the porch once or twice, but that was it.  No walk to the mailbox because there was no mail.
      Today (Monday) I realized I had not been out in two days, again!  The weather was fairly nice, but I stayed inside, padding around in my bathrobe, drinking tea, looking out the windows, thinking it was really foggy and asking where did the snow go.  But not going outside.
     Sure I finished a book.
     Digression.  Emily got me a book for Christmas.  Bought it at Anderson Books in Naperville.  It was a mystery.  Seriously,  at the store the book was wrapped in brown paper and no title or author was present.  You bought the book not knowing that information.  It turned out to be Magpie Murders, which was on a best seller list or two.  I won't tell you much about the book, just that I have never read one quite like it.  Once I got into it, I had trouble putting it down.
     End of digression.
     I also watched Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt on Netflix.  I have watched this in spurts but for some reason I watched a lot of it in the past two weeks.  Turns out, I finished the series!  And now I miss Kimmy, and Titus, and Jacqueline, and Mikey and Lillian and the ghosts and all the other characters that wandered in and out of this incredibly creative, perverse, and funny show. 
     But I have not gone outside.
     I have showered and shaved and dressed, eventually.  But I am beginning to feel closed in.  I think that leads me to irrational blogging that may or may not have been a dream.
     Tomorrow is a new day.
     I just hope the ice doesn't keep me inside.
     Peace and Love

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