Friday, February 8, 2019

what day is it

I was really confused today

     I knew it was Friday, but at some point during the  day, I thought it was Saturday.  I just lost track of time.
     Friday is garbage day.  I did not get my garbage out last week because the weather delayed pick up by a day.  The official notice said garbage may be picked up later on Saturday for areas outside of town.  I took may and later at their literal meaning, so when the truck rolled past at 7:15, I was still in my pajamas.  I was not about to race out with the damn trash in my pajamas and slippers.
     Last night I did not take it out because it was so windy.  I figured my trash would blow down the street in the 90 mph gusts we seem to have.  So I took it out at 7:10 and the truck came at 7:15.  I barely got my coat off when I had to go back out and get the garbage can, which was blowing down the street.
      Two guys came out to fix our under the cabinet lighting, but it was not really a fix as much as a reset.  It seems if the power surges, the lights have to be reset.        They showed me how to do that, and I wrote the directions down in a notebook we keep in the kitchen.  The notebook has a title:  Important information we may need to know some day.   There is not much in it.
     Sent an e-mail to people about a show and had the wrong date...thanks Beth for telling me.
     Read a little Mike Royko, who I think was the greatest columnist to ever write for a Chicago paper. 
      But for some reason, I kept thinking it was Saturday.
     Maybe it's the hunger.  I am not supposed to eat hard foods, instead I am supposed to eat soup, yogurt, ice cream and only soft stuff until my mouth heals.  I am tired of soup.  Very tired.  I could eat more ice cream, but that creates different problems.
     Now it's just sit back and wait for the next snow storm.  And the next.  And the next.
     Pitchers and catchers report next week.
     Love and Peace

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