Monday, February 18, 2019

a big day

Monday was a pretty big day

      For instance, Harry Carey died on this date in 1998.  At the end of the 1997 season, he said he would be  back next season "if the good Lord's willing."  Harry was 85.  I did not think he was a great broadcaster, but he brought people to the park and made the tv broadcasts interesting in oh so many ways.
      Yoko Ono had a birthday today.  She was the person accused of breaking up The Beatles, but I don't think she had as much to do with the boys breaking up as people think,  Or thought.  She is, I believe. 85.  I always picture her as the young girl in bed with John and not coming out until the war was over.  Make love, not war.  Good philosophy then and now.
      But the really big event that happened on this date was Elm Farm Ollie, the flying cow.
      She was the first cow to fly in an airplane and the first cow to  be milked while flying in an airplane.  She was on her way to a aviation exposition in St. Louis, and as a publicity stunt they decided to fly her there.  There was also a science experiment, to study, in part, an animal's ability to be milked.
      What got me was they took the milk, put it in paper boxes, and parachuted it to people on the ground.
      Can you imagine just minding your own business and being bonked in the head by a paper box of warm milk?  Udderly ridiculous.  I immediately thought of the WKRP episode and the turkeys, who did not have parachutes.  Unfortunately.
      I was up at 6 this morning because I foolishly made an appointment for an oil change at the Honda dealer in Rockford.  An 8 a.m. appointment.  I don't do 8 a.m. very well.
     That said, this is also Random Acts of Kindness Week, I think.  So treat somebody nicely this week, just because.  The world needs to be a nicer place.
      Peace and Love, not War.

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