Monday, February 25, 2019

please, stop it

I thought I was losing my mind

     I was reading the paper on line this morning and I heard a quick beep beep.
It was loud enough for me to hear without my hearing aids.  I don't put them in until after I shower so they don't get wet.
     I got up to investigate.
     Beep   Beep.
     I moved to the kitchen.
     Beep  Beep
     Jackie said maybe it was from the basement smoke detector.  That is one I had to replace   because it malfunctioned.  When smoke detector batteries are weak, the unit beeps.  Once.  The one in the basement beeped 3 times, which meant it was broken. So I replaced it.  Well, actually John replaced it because these old hands and eyes could not figure out how to reconnect it to the ceiling.
     Beep  Beep
     It sounded like an electronic device.  Checked my phones.  Checked the house phones.  All looked good.
     Beep  Beep
     I timed the beeps....about 1 minute apart.  Unless you go stand in an area to try to locate them, then they are much longer apart.
     Beep   Beep
     I thought maybe it was a construction truck at the house being built a couple of lots away.  I opened the door to listen but did not hear anything.
     Then the beeping stopped.
     Nothing was out of sync.  Timers on the microwave and oven were off, clocks were correct.
     Jackie asked if it could have been the front door.
     Which at this point seems the most probable.  We have an alarm system and it was turned off so the dog could go out.  Maybe the door was not shut completely and when I opened it to listen for construction sounds I closed it completely. 
     All i know is it was slowly driving me mad.  Mad I tell you.  Mad.  Like a Hatter.  Or a British king named George.  Or a Lear.
     But, sanity prevails.  At least for now, in this house.
     Peace and Love

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