Saturday, February 23, 2019

a night out

I had a great night out tonight

     A bunch of us went to see a Second City show in DeKalb. 
     Background....Second City is a well known improv institution in Chicago.  They do shows, offer classes, have theaters in several cities and they have a travelling show. 
     More background..... for several years four or five of us have had an improv comedy group called Exit 99.  Ok, we have not been very active in the past four years, but that will change.
     Anyway, three of us went to the show tonight and came away with the thought that we are pretty funny in our own way.
     Second City does improv and sketch comedy.  We do improv only.  Tonight, they only did 3 or 4 improv bits and the rest was sketch comedy.  Nothing wrong with sketch comedy, but I really like improv.  It's all audience dependent and if you hit a wall, you have only your friends on stage to help. 
     The four of us (Bethie, Carrie, TC and me) sit around and talk about an upcoming show.  We throw out ideas and decide if they will work.
     One year I came up with the suggestion we perform as if there was a giant ball of mucus on stage and if we got near it we get stuck.  Well, it was terrible.  No one laughed.  It fell harder than a pro football owner in a massage parlor.
     Watching tonight, I could see where some sketches would work into our act.
Exit 99 will rise again.  We hope to be performing soon..... and not take a four year break.
     After all, I am getting a older and someday may not be funny.
Peace an Love and laughs

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