Wednesday, February 20, 2019

gone, but not forgotten

I learned a couple of lessons today

     First lesson, read the labels.  The wine I did not like was labeled as a dessert wine, to be enjoyed especially with chocolate.
     Well, I was not eating chocolate and was not drinking it for dessert.  My mistake.  Even  so, it was too sweet for me.  Way too sweet.
     I tried it again tonight and it was still too sweet, so I dumped it.
     Lesson number two, which many people pointed out, life is too short to spend drinking a wine you don't like.
     I did not open another bottle.....just kind of felt bummed out about the first one.
     I have watched a lot of movies this week.  Great Escape, Sound of Music, The Graduate......all oldies, but I still enjoyed them.  Last year I kept Tuesdays open to go to they movies.  But this year, I had so many Tuesday appointments plus bad weather and I have not been to the movie theater yet.  There are so many on my list.  Oh well.
     Maybe I can watch them when they come out as rentals.
     But then again, I didn't watch all  the ones I wanted last year.  So it goes.
     Peace and Love

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