Saturday, February 9, 2019

work and play

I had a busy day today

     I did three loads of laundry, dusted floors and vacuumed two rugs.  Plus I had time to go have coffee with Dan!  Long overdue, we had a pleasant time sitting in the greenhouse at Cypress House, sipping our beverages and talking about life.
      I may have talked too much mouth hurt!  The space where my tooth used to be did a little throbbing, not serious pain, but discomfort I did not expect.
     Of course travel and the Cubs are always big topics.  And while we brace for several snow systems, I have to remember pitchers and catchers report this week, starting Tuesday.  Spring is on the horizon,  my friends!
     And tonight I engaged in one of my favorite activities.  (No, not that one Beth!)  I watched Casablanca.
     I can't stress how much I love that movie.  I don't remember the first time I saw it, but I know I had posters of Bergman and Bogart on my walls in high school, and I took them to college.
     The Bergman shot was a close up of her at the end, in the airport, with tears starting  to form in her eyes.  The big hat, the was a great picture and is still an amazing shot.  I fell in love with her a long time ago and I still think she is the most beautiful woman in the history of the planet.
     And Bogart?  A man's man in that movie.  His poster does not stand out as much, but it must have also been at the end.  If you watch the movie you catch a brief glimpse of the pain he is going through as the plane starts to take off.  That should have been the face on the poster, but it wasn't.
     The only thing missing was some popcorn.
     All in all, it was a pretty good day.
     Peace and Love.  And here's looking at you, kid.

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