Friday, February 22, 2019

weirdly done day

I was out of my routine today

     Normally, on a zoo day I am up at 6:30, on the road at 8:15, at at the zoo by 10.
     But today was not normal.
     I don't like Jackie being in the house alone when she showers.  Forgive me for being cautious, but she has fallen a few times in the past couple of years.  The dented refrigerator and the dented drywall in the bathroom and two pieces of evidence.
     And Normally, we have someone here.
     But today that was not possible.  Emily was working, and our health care person is recovering from surgery.  So I went to the zoo from noon to 4:30.
     Words I have used:  routine.  normally.
     People saw me and at 2, my normal leaving time, said bye.  They were surprised an hour later when I was still there.
     I always stop for a coffee on the way home.  It makes the ride smoother.  Today I got a half caf instead of the full dose but I am not sure it has made much of a difference. 
     Traffic home was a lot heavier.  I am used to going at least the speed limit on the tollway, not 35 mph until about Il Rt 59.  It opened up after that.
     But it was nice to visit all the good people I have come to know.  It's surprising how close you feel to people you only see every two weeks, but I really have missed all of them this past two months. and a tooth extraction have knocked out 2 of my days.
     And honestly, I kind of like the later time.  I have never been a morning person.  The downside is I didn't get home until almost 7.
     I have a feeling I won't fall asleep for a while.'s a laugh night!  Going to see a Second City touring group in DeKalb and that will be a fun night out.
     Peace and Love and giggles.

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