Saturday, February 2, 2019

a good cause

We went to a big fund raiser tonight

     Jackie and I went, along with Emily and John and about 246 other people!  This is the From the Heart event, with money raised going to 8 local charities that do a lot of good for abused women, abused children, people in need of food, agencies that  help the elderly.....just a lot of good causes.
     There is a meal, silent auction, live auction, raffles and drawings throughout the night.
     I bid on a couple of items:  Bears tickets, White Sox tickets, and 9 bottles of wine.  Which do you think I won?
     Think.  Think.  Think.
     Time is up.
     I won the wine.  I don't think it was a great deal, but it all goes to a good cause, or causes.
     I also saw a lot of people I knew.  It's funny, I know a lot of people....but I still sit in a huge crowd and feel alone.  That's a feeling I have had all my life, the sense that even in a crowded room, I am alone.  It's weird.
     Anyway, it was a good night.  Even had a great conversation with a former boss, which I enjoyed very much.
     I did make the mistake of having coffee with dessert.....and it was not decaf.     Should have thought that one out a little more.
     Peace and Love

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