Wednesday, October 31, 2018

trick or treat

Another Halloween in the books

     Put out the pumpkin candle lamps on small shepherd hooks along the sidewalk.  Carved two pumpkins and lit candles in them.  Painted a third pumpkin.  Put my headless dummy on the bench.  Bought two bags of candy.
We had four trick or treaters.
     The first two were young girls, middle school age or so.  I gave them each two fun size candy bars but in hindsight should have given them four or five.
I gave a cow four.
     And I gave our little friend a full size candy bar because, darn it, she is a cutie!
     I don't know why I am always optimistic.  Last year I think we had three, and they moved.
     Maybe next year we will just go out to eat.....although I do like seeing the kids in costumes and I love all the Facebook pictures.
     When I was a kid we would start when the bell rang after school and not come home until late.
     Houses, apartment buildings, businesses....all were fair game.
     And we ate the home made cookies and popcorn balls.  I still love popcorn balls, but I have not had one in ages.
     We didn't worry about the unwrapped candy, although that was not the first to go.
     Go as in eat.
     The unwrapped and hard candies were the ones to last us through Thanksgiving and Christmas.
     I think that's why I love the day.....the innocence, the excitement, the fun.
     I know it has changed.....and I think we are all a little less for it.
     And if I hear someone yell "Bug" at the top of her lungs one more time, I may crack.  Damn box elder bugs won't hurt anyone.  They are just annoying.
      Think I'll dream of pirates and super heroes tonight.  And box elders.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018


I think I am getting boring

     Just looking at my stats for the past week.  The last 5 posts have not gotten many views.....almost half of what the 5 posts before that had.
     Some explanations that are possible:
   People have abandoned Facebook  for whatever reason and don't know you can read this at without ever going on Facebook.
   I have become boring.
   I am complaining too much about trivial things, like tv commercials and naked church people.
   People are on vacation.
   The links are disappearing.
   People like pictures more than words.
   My being from another planet has been made public.
   Not enough time to read an insightful comment on modern society.
   I have become  boring.
   I have started to repeat myself.
   The election is on people's minds and they don't have time for triviality as they research each candidate's published stands on issues.
    The World Series exhausted them.
    I have become like an all too familiar neighbor.  When they show up you go, oh no, not him again.
    All excellent points to ponder.
    But not tonight.  I have other issues to decide.
      Peach out, dudes and dudettes.

Monday, October 29, 2018

been there

Julia's time in Switzerland has opened a world to me

     When she went over there for 3 years in 2002, I was heartbroken.  I missed my daughter and I am  not ashamed to admit it.
     I hated the fact that she was there.
     That was 16 years ago.  She is still there.
     Her being there opened a whole new world for me.  For us.
     Jackie and I were able to visit places we only had read about.
     It's funny, how sometimes the past ties up with the present.
     I just finished a book by Donna Leon, who writes about a detective in Venice.       I have told this story before, but I will say it again.  We had gone to Venice.  We stayed in a hotel over near the hospital.  I remember there was a church, a small plaza, a huge statue, and a side canal that ended in the lagoon that surrounds Venice.
When we got home, I bought one of her books.  The first book I read in her series opened with a body being found in the little side canal!    The hospital, square, ice cream stand...all places we knew, were all described in the book.  I got hooked on Guido Brunetti.  I actually felt like I was really there, in the book.
     Venice was beautiful.  And complicated.  I tried to find Marco Polo's boyhood home, but never seemed to negotiate the right alleys and "streets."
     Leon's character, Guido Brunetti, is a life long Venice resident and has the same problem, sometimes getting turned around in the town he has lived in his whole life.
     Tonight I read about the horrible flooding going on in Venice.  Acqua Alta.  The tides are pushed by strong winds and the town gets flooded.  Today there were pictures of people in hip deep water in St. Mark's Square, a place where we stood and admired the centuries old buildings.  An estimated 70 percent of the town is flooded.  It's terrible.
     Jackie and I also spent several days in Germany.  We did a one day Rhine cruise and stayed in a real castle.  It was an amazing experience.  One of my favorite photos I have taken was on that trip.
     On the cruise we passed Mice Castle, a tiny little building on a small island in the middle of the river.  It was used to collect tolls from boats.  Today I saw a picture of people walking to the castle!  There has been a severe drought in Germany and the water levels have dropped on many of the rivers, including the Rhine.
     The Rhine is so low, people are walking to the castle.  Walking.  Where the river should be.
     Shipping is impacted, tourism is affected, transportation, energy....all due to the drought.
     I count my blessing for the times we got to go.  We are going next summer because there is a huge festival that happens every 20 years.  Julia missed the last one, but we are all going to the 2019 shindig.
     I just hope the forces of nature return to normal....if there is such a thing anymore.
     Sayonara.  Bonne Nuit.

Sunday, October 28, 2018

sex, sex, sex

Actually, this has nothing to do with sex

     Well, just a little.
      I was reading the Sunday Trib when an article on a northern suburban restaurant caught my eye.
     It's a barbecue joint, and it is run by a church.  The church preaches love, yada yada yada and some members worship in the nude.
     That's right.  In the buff.  Neked.  Sans clothes. 
     They evidently turn down the lights in the church, which is adjacent to the barbecue joint.
     And they stressed they never conduct worship activities in the restaurant.     That is a comfort, knowing that your brisket hasn't been served on a plate some naked body sat on.
       EEEYEEW!!!    What's that brown streak?  Never mind, it's sauce.
       Understandably, some Wauconda residents are upset.  (Please note:  This is not the Black Panthers Wakanda, and yes, I looked up the spelling.)
    Several called the Naked Apostles, a branch of the BBQ running religious group, disturbing.  But the NA maintains it is a nonsexual religious practice for adults.  They do have a healing portion that includes hands on, but that could be another topic.
     The  members say they are just practicing their religion, which is a right under the first amendment.
     So I have found a way to make money off this.
     I should advertise that I will attend some of the services for $500 per service.       Once I attend, I am sure the group will hastily disband after gouging out their eyes.
      You see, everyone's a winner.  Except the folks with their eyes gouged out.  but maybe they could start another sect.
     And people say it's a strange world out there....
     Good night.  Think peaceful thoughts and spread some love in our world tomorrow.
     But do it with your clothes on, please.

Saturday, October 27, 2018

a little irritants

Hooman beans sometimes get my goat

     I went to Walmart today and a lady parked her Jeep in front of the store, in the fire lane.  The three people with her questioned if she could park there and she said, "We'll only be a minute or two."
     Then she walked in and grabbed a cart.
     The angry person inside me said to tell her to move her car because the other 299 cars in the lot realized their shit does stink, and so does hers.
     But the Milquetoast in me decided to just ignore it and seethe as I saw her shop.
     Then I got home and worked in the garden and some yahoo in an ATV came roaring across the vacant lot and tore up and down the detention pond behind my house.  I could see the dirt flying from his wheels.
     My first thought was to wish that he have an accident and break a leg, then I thought that was too harsh.  Maybe he would develop engine trouble and have to abandon the ATV while he got help.  I would then call the sheriff's office and report it.
     Why not call sooner?   Because by the time a deputy arrives, those yahoos are long gone.
     Just seconds after the AVT left, a sheriff's car went in the same direction.  My hope is the driver gets a ticket and hefty fine.
     All that on top of the stupidity and hatred shown in Pittsburgh.  I just don't understand people.  I don't understand how people are allowed to have those types of weapons.  I don't understand.
     So I took Corki for a walk and ran into birds.
     I did a video.   I am posting it on Facebook.  I can't do it here.
     Watch it, or not.  I find it fascinating and relaxing.
     Peace.  And Love.  And acceptance.  And tolerance.

Friday, October 26, 2018

and now, a word from our sponsor

I hate watching television live

     The commercials are terrible.
     Aaron Rodgers is a great quarterback, but the State Farm commercials are lame.  L..A...M....E.
     Same with the stupid little fur ball in the Cricket Wireless commercials.  He drops his towel and the guy is embarrassed....but the little fur ball doesn't wear pants in the first place.  Go figure.
     And the these are real people, not actors in the Chevy commercials.  Give me a break.  Those are not interesting or informative.
     Guys driving Dodge vehicles fast because we all know what we need more of on the road are idiotic drivers driving vehicles above the speed limits, or plowing over grasslands.  And Jeeps going through lovely streams in wooded areas, leaving oil, grease and gas residue in the water for the woodland creatures that have not fled the onslaught of SUVs to drink.
     Now I am watching the World Series and they have these highly annoying quick words, a 15 second or so commercial they stick in between pitches.  Highly annoying I repeat.
     It seems to me at one time there was a limit on commercials played during a 30 minute show.  Now the only limit is to see how many you can schedule and sell.
     We had Big Bang on our DVR and there was nearly 10 minutes of commercials in a half hour show. 
     There are some entertaining ones, at least for me.  The Progressive commercial that mocks Chevy.  George Clooney selling Nespresso.  Ok, that seems to do it for me.
      I get so tired of the trite and cliche approaches to selling products.  I know it's all about the bucks......and that sucks.
     Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go buy some insurance.  I think I can  save 10 percent.

Thursday, October 25, 2018


Sometimes I don't think things through

     My gas grill has not been functioning properly.  I contacted Weber, described the problem, they gave a fix and said if that doesn't work, buy a new regulator.
Well, I went out Tuesday to start the grill and ...... no gas.  It's a new tank. 
     So I assumed it was the regulator.  I ordered one on line, disconnected the tank, attempted, but failed, to take the existing regulator off and then had a glass or two of alcohol.
     I also fired up the old grill.
     Emily came over and looked at the gas canister and asked what was wrong.  I explained the regulator must be faulty because I had it closed and it ran out of gas.
     She then said the obvious:  The shut off valve is not on the regulator, it is on the gas canister.  If anything was wrong, it was the valve on the gas tank.
     Long story even longer, I already ordered the regulator. 
     Before I try to install the new one, I'm going to try a different tank.
     In othe rwords, tanks, but no tanks.
     Meanwhile, got a couple of bike rides in this week and a few dog walks.  I am still experimenting with my new phone and it's photo capabilities.
     And that's about it for me.
     Peace out, dudes and dudettes.

The  rise of the harvest moon

Monarchs' favorite flower in seed

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

don't ask

I will tell the truth, most of the time

     Do I like my hearing aids?
     Do I like hearing better?
     It is noticeable when I have them in.  I can hear things I didn't hear before, like a turn signal in the car, kids talking, the tv on a lower sound level.
     But I don't like wearing them.  I don't like putting them in my ears. I don't like taking them out of my ears, I don't like having to rely on something artificial because my body is getting old and parts are starting to weaken.
     There.  I said it.
     I went for a check today and went over my list of questions and concerns.  They were all answered, with the words of caution that these are new and it will take time for me to adjust.
     Here's what is amazing, and frightening.
     The good doctor (And I mean that sincerely...she is amazing!  Patient, comforting,  informative....I really like her.)  took my devices and plugged them in.
     After a few seconds, she told me I have them on an average of 11 hours a day, I have adjusted the volume twice, I have been in situations that were quiet (60 % of the time) and noisy.  The only information was how many times I ate ice cream during the two weeks.  (3).
     I  repeat, this technology is amazing and frightening.  We can be tracked in our cars and in our homes.  Big Brother knows all we do or say, and sometimes think.
     Of course in my case, most of my thinking is x rated, while my body is PG.
(I don't know what that means, but it sounded funny in my head.)
     And if you are a regular reader, you will kn ow I did not win the $1.6 billion....but some lucky person did.  I wish them well and I hope they do a lot of good with that much money.
     Good night, sleep tight, don't let the monkeys bite.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

a final post???

You may not hear from me again

     Because at 10 p.m. tonight, I will will the lottery and immediately become one of the richest people in the world.
     Sure, the odds are 1 in 302 million, but I'm feeling lucky!
     I wonder what it is like to be that rich.
     I read an article in the Trib today about JB Pritzker and his remodeling of the mansions.  At one point his wife flew to Italy to pick out the marble for a bathroom.  That is rich.  She also flew to Paris to meet with an interior designer.
     $20 million here, $20 million there and with a couple of projects in mind I could spent $40 million easily.
     Not even close to what I will win.
     $5 million to brothers and sisters, $3 million to nieces and nephews, $1 million to cousins and second cousins and I still have a heck of a lot of money.
     A fund for free tuition for all college or trade school students in the area? Done.
     Museum addition?  Done. VCCT renovation of Lincoln School?  Done.
     Gifts to friends?  Done.  Money for people to improve local resident's houses? Done.
     A donation to the MS Society for research to find a cure?  Done.
     Money for the Rochelle Area Community Foundation?  Done.
     And I still have a lot of money.
     House in Switzerland?  Done.  Funding for food pantries in the state?  Done.
     Getting homeless people off the street? Done.
     And I still have money left.
     But I promise not to run for public office.
    And I promise not to waste money by getting a lot of $100 bills and spreading them all over my bed so I can roll naked on top of them.  Or by going to Italy to pick out marble for the bathroom.  If anything, I'll go for the wine.
     So, it was great having you read me. 
     Parting is such sweet sorrow.
     C'mon lucky numbers!!!!!

Monday, October 22, 2018


I had quite the day today

     In a good way.
     It didn't start off exactly great.  I told Linda and Dan I would meet them at Petro for a trip to Starved Rock.  Confirmed with Dan last night that we were meeting at Petro.
     So I was perplexed when I could not find them as I drove slowly through the Walmat parking lot........  I don't know how far I went until I realized Walmart is not Petro.
     But all is well that ends well.
     We did the fall trolley tour at Starved Rock.  It included a leisure trolley ride through the park and Utica, a hike to Ottawa Canyon, a visit to the dam museum, and lunch in the lodge.
     It was a spectacular day.  Not a lot of color in the leaves, but the canyon was beautiful.
     I live about 1 hour from the park and can not believe that I don't visit there more often.  I would love to go back and hike to some of the other canyons and have lunch in the lodge.
    By the way, the lodge is amazing.  Built in 1933 as a CCC project under FDR, it is massive beam after massive beam with massive hand built furniture abounding.
     The hike to the park was cool, except for when the lady fell down the hill and rolled into a semi dry creek.  I did not laugh then, but did later.  It was something I would do.  She was not hurt....just damp and leafy.
     It was such a nice day I decided to mow when I got home
    After mowing I decided to get a bike ride in....made 8 miles.
     After riding I decided to take Corki for a short walk.
     After all that, I decided I am tired.
     But what a night.  Looks like a full moon, there is a hint of the odor of burning leaves in the air, and the night is crisply cool.  A great night to camp out.
Anyway, here are some of the highlights.
From the dam museum

Diver Dan from WGN....anyone remember him?

Do you see a boot? The toe is in the center left, and the mossy green is the boot going running horizontally make the sole.....

Council overhang

No, it's not upside's a reflection in a pool

Council overhang


Looking out of the overhang

Furniture in the lodge is huge!

Starved Rock lodge

Joliett......the fur trader

Sunday, October 21, 2018

stranger danger

We all need to be aware of strangers

     We drill that into our kids.  And we should.
     But I wonder if sometimes that is why little kids are a little hesitant to approach me when I am at my volunteer gig.
     Or maybe I am just funny looking.
     I do need to teach Corki about stranger danger.
     Today we went for a walk.  On the way home a van stopped and the passenger's sliding door opened.  There were some little neighborhood kids in the car and they wanted to see Corki.
     Corki obliged by jumping in the van!  She did not hesitate...that door opened and she was in!
     The kids loved it, of course.  I am sure mom won't mind cleaning up the two pounds of dog hair left behind.
     So I will add that to our lesson set.
     We have been working on paw for about 4 months.  We go through the same process each night. 
     "Sit Corki."
     She sits.
     "Paw, Corki."
     She looks at us like we are aliens.
     Gently taking her paw, we hold it up and say, "Paw.  Good Girl.  Paw."  And then we give her a treat.
    We repeat the process 4 more times with the same result.
     Four months.  I think she has moved a paw twice on her own.  And it moved slightly....probably a muscle spasm.
     I know she is an old dog, but so am I and I learned new tricks. 
     She is good at "Sit."  Moderately terrible at "Stay."  Fairly good at "Corki, Come."
     Now we have to work on, "Don't jump in a stranger's car."
     Meanwhile I am trying to figure this out:  If we have a smart TV, can we stream stuff off the Internet without using Airplay or Apple TV?  If so, how?
     That may be a new trick I need to learn.
     Over and out........time to put this old dog to bed.

Saturday, October 20, 2018

old friends, old friends

I spent a little time with an old friend today

     We've never actually met.  I would be willing, but it would be a one sided effort.  Guido Brunetti is a fictional detective in Venice.  Donna Leon writes novels with him as the main character.
     She is an American, but lives in Venice.  Or a least used to.
     I have mentioned her, and him, in previous posts.
     Two years ago?  I decided to read all of her Guido Brunetti order.  I have read them all out of sequence, but thought in order might be good.  And it was.  I got to see how characters were introduced, how they changed, how the commissario's family grew. 
     This year she came out with the 27th book in the series.  It seems like a long time since I had the joy of reading about Venice, and this book is not disappointing me.
     I went to see a former student who runs a barbecue truck.  Rochelle had a food truck day from 11-3.  I went at 1 and Jeremy was already sold out!  Next time.  There was a strange confluence of circumstances that resulted in his being short on brisket......I may be going to Jan's house tomorrow for lunch.  She does not know that.  Jim, if you are reading this, tell her to lock up the brisket.
     We had a pizza delivery from Kevin, whose darling daughter has a birthday soon.  They had a kids' party and had some left overs, so Jackie and I got pizza and cupcakes.  What a deal!
     I topped off the day by going to a Halloween party.  Truth be told, we don't get out much anymore.  And Jackie did not go tonight because we are never sure about bathrooms, steps, the whole shebang.  But I went and had a nice time seeing some folks I hadn't seen for a while.  And visiting with one of my girl besties......
     Funny, at the end of the day you realize how many people come into your life, if only on paper.  You miss the paper ones, and the real ones, because time goes past so quickly and you didn't get the bike ride in, or the museum visit, or the architectural boat tour and you say next summer.  Next year.  I can only hope.
     Happy dreams to all.
     Don't forget to visit friends, even the ones on paper.

Friday, October 19, 2018

dollar dreaming

I may have won the lottery

     Ok, so they have not actually drawn the numbers yet, but I may have won!  I could win, because I bought a ticket.  They only people who have no chance of winning are the ones who did not buy a ticket. 
     Yes, I know I am more likely to be hit by lightning than win the lottery, but oh my gosh!  It is almost $1 billion!!!
     That's' almost enough to qualify me for governor of Illinois!!
     Not that I would win, but I could if I entered the race.  Anyone who enters the race could win....just like the lottery.
     There are lots of things that could happen to me.
     I could be cast in a movie after being discovered doing a local theater production.
     I could stop a bank robbery, providing I am at a bank during the time it is being robbed and the robbers are not armed and are only about 4 years old, maybe 5, and have a fear of taller people.
     I could go to Africa on a photo safari and take a picture that motivates the entire world to give up buying ivory, poaching animals, and killing the beautiful creatures for fun.  I could.  But I probably won't.
     Other coulds in my life:
     I could clean my desk, again.
     I could go through the last two boxes in the garage that need a going through.
     I could wax the kitchen cabinets.  I probably will do that soon because they are a little spotty.
     I could ride my bike for the first time in two weeks......and I probably should.  I came so close to my goal but I don't know if I have enough  rideable days (for me, anyway) to reach the goal.
     Lots of coulds in life.  We all have them.  Some are logical, some completely illogical.  Much like me some of the time.
     Now it's time to read, listen to the blues, mellow out for bed, and dream about being almost a billionaire.
      Truth be told, I am almost a billionaire.  I am just short $999,999,100........and that's an amazing number to write.
     Good night.......sleep tight.....don't let the gremlins  bite....everything will be all right.

Thursday, October 18, 2018

new! new! new!

I seem to have some new stuff

      You know about the hearing aids.  I think.
      I have had them for just over a week and it has been an adjustment.
     Today I had a really hard time getting them in place, for some reason.  I got frustrated and angry.
     Angry that I needed them.  Frustrated that I could not get them in.  Angry that I am getting old.
     Eventually I got them in and went on my merry way.
     I had my first mentoring session with a young boy.  It seemed to go well.  We had lunch together.  I ate the hot lunch, which was some type of meat, but he said he didn't eat meat and ate the corn and fruit roll up.  I gave him my fruit roll up and told him to save it for a snack.
     I wandered over to Sycamore and stopped at the place where I got my hearing aids.  The doctor was running around frantically because she was between patients and had one in the waiting room.  But she took the time to look in my ear and tell me I had the right one in at an angle.  She then had me practice putting them in. 
     I went on my merry way, again.
     Stopped at a card store to buy some cards. 
     My hearing aids are Bluetooth capable, so they are hooked to my phone.  When my phone rings, I hear it through the hearing aids.
     Standing in the middle of this store, an Amber Alert went out.  That alert consists of a series of high pitched noises designed to get your attention.
I heard the dam alert and did not know what was going on!  The blaring was loud, and I saw a woman looking at her phone and said, "Do you hear a noise?"  She said that it was just an Amber Alert.
     If I was epileptic that would have driven me to a seizure.  As it was I was almost crazy.  But, after I bought my stuff I went on my merry way.
     Picked up my Goofy sweatshirt.  I thought it needed a new zipper, turns out it only needed the slider.  Now it's fixed and it was only $5.  And I was on my merry way.
     Emily got me a new phone, so that is another new thing. 
     I took some pictures and I am impressed by the capability of the phone.
     I also went to a benefit auction while Jackie was at her library board meeting.       Works by a local photographer were auctioned off to benefit the Rochelle Community Foundation.  I saw a print I liked ...... then another.  Unfortunately, they started auctioning the ones on the other side of the room.
     Now I figured I could go maybe $275 for the print, either one.  The bidding for the first quickly passed that mark and the bidding for the second started above that mark.
     No picture, but I did get a great cookie from Sunshine Bakery!! to bed.
     I will leave you with some pictures from my new phone.

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

2 down!

I finished a honey do today!

     All the smoke detector batteries have been changed.  I may work slow, but eventually I get things done.
     This was not the best day of the week...or month.  Thanks again, Kevin!
     We went to a meeting at church tonight and opted to eat at a sub sandwich place in DeKalb.
     We walked in at 6 p.m. and were greeted with the words, "We're out of bread.  It will be half an hour for more bread."
     And I'm thinking:  How does a sandwich shop run out of bread during the evening rush?  Not a good business practice.
    We were not the only people who walked away empty handed.  Ok, it was one other lady.....but still.
     But life is full of little troubles.....I am glad today had little ones and not big ones.
     And yes, it is only 10 p.m. and I am thinking bed.
     Peace out.  Believe in science.

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

can't do it

I just can't go to bed early!

     Here it is, after 11 and I am still up and wide awake.  Was it the three cups of coffee I had today?  Anxiety?  Tension?
     I have not even tried going to bed, but I will in a few minutes.  I am kind of chilly now and the bed will be nice and warm.
     Well, I hit the one week mark of a major lifestyle change.
     No, not diet or exercise.  No, not in avoiding procrastination.  No, not in being better organized.
     I have hearing aids. 
     I now am old.
     These are behind the ear plug into the ear ones and are almost invisible, except for the wires that go into my ear.
     Yes, I can hear better at times.  I am still getting adjusted and honestly don't know if they are in correctly most of the time.
     I don't like sticking things in my body, be it needles, hands, contacts, or hearing aids.
     Some sounds are better, some are not.  All sound a little flat, like a bad recording.
     The audiologist said if it was any comfort, the average age of people getting hearing aids for the first time is dropping about 4 months a year and people in their 40s and 50s were often coming in for testing.
     Wait until the crop of teenagers who blast their car stereos hit 30 and are partially deaf. 
     Want to make money?  Come up with designer hearing aids.  Make them hip, cool, cheap, and the youngins will flock to them.
     But that does not help me.  Aids just reinforce the feeling that I am getting old.  And no amount of biking, diet, exercise, or good living will change that.
     Now, I am dragging this ancient, prehistoric, not quite tired body to bed.
     Sweet dreams....or good morning, whatever applies to you.

Monday, October 15, 2018

a little late

I finally decided to do a project today

     Vacuum the cold air returns has been on my list for a couple of weeks.
     Today I decided to clean them.  And change the batteries in the smoke detectors.
     So, I cleaned them.  At 10 p.m.
     It didn't take long, but it was 10 p.m.
     And I tried to change the batteries, but I was afraid of forcing the old ones out.
     So I You Tubed it.  And I watched a guy show me how to hook up a hard wire  detector, how not to load a 6 ton rock in a pick up, a man cutting down a tree in front of his house, and finally, a short video on changing the battery.
     Turns out, you do have to force it a little.
     I don't think now is a good time to do that.  Tomorrow will be much better.
     Maybe I'll get an earlier 9:30 p.m.
     And big news....I threw out a shirt!!
     Seriously.....I never throw out clothes, but this one needed to go.  Showed signs of wear, was a little too tight across my belly, and it looked old.  So, out it went
     Progress, my friends, comes in little steps.
     Now, I am going to make little steps toward  bed.  Hopefully I get there before midnight.
     Peace out.  Don't forget to vote.

Sunday, October 14, 2018

miss me??

I took last night off because.....

     Guy Camping Weekend!!
     Ok, I just gave it that name.
     Usually the guys I grew up with, John and Dave, go camping in the fall.  We went this weekend.  Well, Dave and I went.  Three others who were going had changes in plans.
     They missed a fun time.
     Personal note?  (Not for the squeamish.)  I have a two person tent I usually share with John.  I tend to stay up late and when I go into the tent, I unzip the fly, then zip the fly, then zip my sleeping sack inside my sleeping bag, then zip my sleeping bag and usually at this point I am laughing hysterically because I am about as quiet as an elephant dancing on a drum.
     Last night I had the tent all to myself.....and John should be glad.
    We ate lunch at the Rafters, one of my favorite places.  I had the brisket topped with onion rings and American cheese.  And I had a very good beer from the Lena Brewing Company.
     For supper I had a spicy Italian sausage topped with just a dash of giardiniera . And some Doritos.  And a couple of mint Oreos.  And then a burger.  And more Doritos.  And more Oreos.  And a glass of, shall we say, beverage?  Or two??
     I went into the tent, zipped all the zippers, repositioned my sleeping pad and tried to get settled.
     It was cold.  At some point, I suffered from a bout of ......... flatulence.  I flatulated and because it was cold, I snuggled down into my sleeping bag only to be driven out by the foulest, strongest, nastiest cloud of toxic fumes that ever came from a person's body.  It happened again.  The tent reeked.  I moved my head to the tent door and opened the fly a little to let in air.
It did not help.
     45 minutes. 
     John can count his blessings.
     There are a lot of pictures......maybe too many.
     Oh well.

The tree was huge!!!! 
Bridge out...proceed with caution

Fun guy at the camp!  Get it?

Best part of camping

And folks, this is Apple River Canyon State Park....a true treasure!

Friday, October 12, 2018

an olio

Just some strange thoughts and incidents today

     Who would think two weeks before Halloween pumpkins would be in short supply?  Especially the smaller, less expensive ones.
     I overheard a one sided phone conversation recently, still sticks in my mind.  "I was thinking of either the Marriott or the Hilton.............Dude, I won't stay at a Motel 6.  I am not my father."
     I was at a bookstore in Rockford today and had an on line coupon.  I asked the nice lady behind the counter if the coupon was valid.  She looked at it and said, "Yes, but it is an on line coupon."  I said thanks, found a book, went to pay and gave her the coupon.  "This is an on line coupon,"  she said.  I told her yes, I downloaded it this morning.  "No, you can only use it on line." A light finally went off in my head. 
     I have an addiction to Donna Leon.  Her 27th Guido Brunetti book came out this year and I am now reading it.  Last year I read the first 26.  In order. 
     When I was at the bookstore, I had some time to kill so I got a coffee.  The lady ahead of me, Marsha, got a tea.  I waited around and they called my order.
Then they asked, "Where is the lady with the tea?"  Vanished, gone.  They kept calling, "Marsha?  Marsha?"  Nothing.  She came back about 10 minutes later and said she got a phone call, became distracted, and forgot.  I am not so bad after all.
     Took the BMW in for some minor service work.  Later in the day I saw a woman who looked at me, and then the car, and said, "When did you get a BMW?" I get embarrassed when people comment, for some reason.  I know I shouldn't be.
      I went into the mall at Cherry Valley this morning and immediately did a lap on the upper level.  I felt compelled, since there were about 5,671 other seniors walking hell bent for leather.  They sucked me into their vortex.  I strolled.  They passed me with looks of derision.
     I stuck a $20 bill in my front pocket to pay for supper last night.  When I got there, my pocket was empty.  I had stopped to buy cucumbers and mushrooms, so it must have fallen out.  Those were expensive vegetables and fungi.  Should of used my wallet.
      Lesson learned.
     Until I do it again.
     And until I do this again, peace and love. 
     Remember:  You can fail, or you can succeed.  There is no such thing as try. 
     I think I am going to try to go to sleep.   See the irony?

Thursday, October 11, 2018

ole blue eyes

Sometimes I miss Sinatra

     He seemed like an arrogant kind of guy, maybe a little too tight with the mobsters, but some of his music I love.
     When I was in high school and the summer of my first year of college, I would work late in a grocery store.  Then at night, after the deli was closed or the shelves were stocked, I would go home, have a cup of tea and listen to WGN radio.
     Mainly for the Cubs.  But there was also a night personality, and I probably will spell his name incorrectly, Franklyn McCormack.  He might have even been on WMAQ, but I think it was GN.
     Anyway, he came on about midnight and would play the coolest music and read poetry, short stories, all in a wonderful deep, soothing voice.
     That's how I first heard about Kahil Gibran.... and I still have the echoes "how do I love thee, let me count the ways......."
     And Sinatra.
     Usually the slower stuff.....nothing was loud or fast on this show.
      I remember sitting at the table, listening to the crunches from the closet, drinking hot t ea, having a muffin with butter and grape jelly and listening to "It's quarter to three, ain't nobody here except you and me......"     "so make it one for my baby, and one more for the road."...... and I was hooked on Sinatra.
     I had a teacher for English my senior year.  She always wore American flags on her lapels.  She was about 160.  I had an assignment to write a short paper about someone I idolized and I picked Sinatra.
     I remember Mrs. B standing in front of the room and telling me and the rest of the class what a godless, classless, mobster, communistic, smug, cheating,  poor excuse for an American Sinatra was.....and I think that sealed my idolization factor.
     I still love the words.
     And now the days grow short, I'm in the autumn of the year.  And I think of my life as vintage  wine from a fine old keg.  And it poured sweet and clear.  From the brim to the dreg.  It was a very good year.
     Appropriate words for the time of year, and my time in life.
     The frost is on the pumpkin tonight.  Autumn has finally arrived.
     How do I love thee....let me count the ways.

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

A rude awakening

I keep saying how I don't mind winter

     I may have changed my mind.
     I filled up a car tonight and the wind was howling out of who knows what direction; rain, in the form of mist, was hitting my face; and it took forever to pump the gas.
     It was somewhere during that I decided I would not be leaving the house in January and February, and some days in December except when I go to pick up Julia at the airport.
     I can order food on line.  I can order supplies on Amazon Prime.  I can hire a neighborhood kid to bring in the mail.  I can download books, or just have Barnes & Noble ship them to my house.
     I won't have to shovel the drive because I won't be going anywhere.
     I have Netflix and 1,348 cable channels, of which I only watch 7, and I have every Harry Potter movie and book ever produced, along with all the Indiana Jones films.
     I realized, I don't have to leave the house!
     Church services?  Turn on the radio.
     Social interaction with other people?  I'll Skype with them, and Facebook with them.  It will be just like seeing them in person.
     We could be snowbirds that don't leave, the neighborhood hermits, the odd couple at the end of the block.
     But most importantly, I will stay warm.
     I think it's a good plan.
     I honestly don't see any draw backs.
     With that pleasant thought, I am going to hunker down under the covers for the night.
     Stay warm.  Sleep well.  Dream of peace.
     And realize it is still well above freezing.

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

a new toy in the garage

I bought a new lawnmower

     It's big.  It's fast.  It really cuts.
     It cost more than my first car.  Actually, more than my first two cars put together!
     Why did I buy?
     Every time I cut my lawn after the Fourth of July it looked lousy.  And I was cutting a lot.  With all the rain, the heat, the fertilizer, the grass was growing too fast.
     I usually cut at 3.5 inches, but that was too long, so I moved to 4, then 4.5.....and it still looked bad.
     So I decided it was the mower.  I looked at one, test drove Emily's, and ordered it.
     Meanwhile, the dealer took my mower as a trade.  But when the new mower was slow to come, they sharpened the blades, replaced a bearing, and brought it back for me to use until the new mower arrived.
     It worked perfectly!  Cut great, no matter the height.  It was the dull blades that were causing the problem.
     Monday night I got my new mower and today I mowed.  It is faster, cuts better, cuts wider and is really comfy to ride.
     Dummy me, I started out and made two turns around the yard and thought this thing didn't cut very well at all.  Then I realized I never engaged the blades.        Once I did, the cut was fast and clean.
     Halfway through the back yard it started I never finished.        Tomorrow I will have to get back in the saddle again.
     Go figure.
     Happy dreams, pardner!

Monday, October 8, 2018

what the hell

I  think I went dark last night

     I met some new people last week.
     They have some strange quirks.
     Well, let me show you my new friends.

     There are a bunch of skeletons in downtown LaGrange.  People are invited to take a selfie with one and post it on the community Facebook page.  I did not do that!
     I just thought it was a neat idea.
     Checked out some of the hay bales in Rochelle....those are really cool this year!  
     I went for my first bike ride in two weeks today....a little windy.  But the worst part was the little black "no see ums" that bit the hell out of me.  And I had to ride with my mouth closed cause it was really buggy.
     Two more pictures to end the night.

     And this is why I love my hybrid.
     Good night, don't let the no see ums bite...