Saturday, June 30, 2018

on the road again

Julia and I have taken a road trip

     We are in Zurich, visiting my nephew, his wife and family, and my sister in law.
     It is freaking hot.
     I know, Illinois peeps, you are experiencing a heat wave of your own.
     But there is one big difference:  air conditioning.
     Most places here do not have it.  Our hotel does not have it.  Our rooms are hot.
     Julia said to pack a fan, so at least we each have a fan to blow warm, damp air over us!
     After we checked in, another man and his son came in with suitcases.  They had obviously been to their room already.
     The man looked at the clerk behind the desk and said, "Our room is very hot."
     The clerk said, "Yes, it is."
     I did not get all of the rest of the conversation, but I think the man may have been a tad upset.
     Nice dinner with the family.  Good wine. Good conversation.
     And a nice room.   Thank heavens work on the tracks is finished.
     Maybe I'll try to sleep soon.
     Good night, America.

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