Tuesday, June 12, 2018

here I am, on the road again

I have never gone 26 hours without sleep

     Until today.  If there are typos, and I don't make sense, please understand I am a tad tired.
    The flight over here was 7 hours, the getting to the hotel was about 2.  But we met a lot of nice people along the way.
    The police at the airport who found our hotel on the map.
    The ticket agent a the train station who reviewed our directions to the hotel twice.
    The nice lady who told us we had to validate our tickets, then took them back up the platform and validated them, explaining to me how to use them to get out of the station.
    The girl who told us we were trying to exit through a Metro gate, which is why our cards would not let us exit.
    The security officer at the second stop, who told us we can't get there from here.  Then he gave us a lesson in using the Metro.
    The guys in the hard hats who gave us approximate directions once we got off the Metro.
    The waitress at the corner cafe who told us she made 9.50 an hour in her job because she was only 21.
     I do have a couple of problems.  I can't get Skype because I forgot that password for this computer.
     I can't seem to recharge my phone.
     But those are all minor issues.
     I am wearing a sweatshirt because it is breezy, damp, and in the lower 60s.  Hopefully it will be warmer when we start our bike ride.
     Now for  some pictures from around the neighborhood.

Traffic jam waiting for th boats

interesting fender decoration

Stairs down to my room at the hotel.  I am 70.  I have a 40 pound suitcase and a 20 pound suitcase.  I made two trips.

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