Monday, June 25, 2018

a funny thing happened on my way to the forum

Sometimes I just overstay my welcome

     Tonight I am in Arles, France.
     This is the town VanGogh made famous when he stayed here and produced mass amounts of work before going insane and cutting off part of his ear.
     But that's another story.
     There is a Roman coliseum in the center of Arles.  Been there for hundreds of years.  At one point it actually served as a fort with a small city developing inside its walls.
     It is still in use today, for concerts and bull fights.  In these battles, the bulls survive to fight another day.  Points are scored for artistry and how many taps matadors can give a charging bull on the head.
     I went in about 5:45 to tour the facility.  Went up and down stairs, to the top of the tower, down to the arena floor.  About 6:30 people started showing up and flower wreaths were passed out to all the girls, old ones, young ones, thin ones, not so thin ones, pregnant get the idea.  Hundreds of them.
     So I sat and watched.  Evidently they were practicing for a pageant.  Marching in to music, forming lines, that kind of stuff.
     At about 7:10 I got a little bored and left.
     Or tried to.
     The exit gates were locked.  The ticket booth was closed.  There was no way out.
     I went back to the arena and told a man who seemed to be a gate keeper that I was locked in.   I had to climb over two rows of seating to get to the floor, then I went out a very long tunnel to the street.
     I found my way to the Night Cafe, or Yellow Cafe, had a drink, then stopped at a hamburger stand.
I had a bull burger with sheep cheese and eggplant.
      I figured bull is big down here, so I might as well try it.
     No pictures because I don't have Internet in my room, only the lobby, and I don't feel like climbing up the stairs again.  It's hot.  I'm old.  Enough said.
     Outside the hotel, and throughout Arles and I bet all the European countries, people are watching the World Cup.  There are 3 cafes around the hotel, each with a big screen tv, and all of the places have people watching.
     I am going to pas.
     Good night and God bless.

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