Saturday, June 16, 2018

my butt is getting sore

I just don't know what to say

     Beautiful scenery the past couple of days, nice weather, great people.
     Just some random thoughts.
     Ran into a group of people on a biking holiday from the states.  I asked how far a day they rode.            One guy told me about 19 miles.  I snickered to myself....19 miles!  We are averaging about 23..
    We stopped to take some pictures and water up and were laughing when an older guy (which means my age) going in the other direction stopped because he heard laughter.  We had a nice conversation.
     Met a lady who sang at the Gaslight Club in Chicago 50 years ago.  She had her dog in a basket and offered to ride with us for coffee.  She was going in the opposite direction, but was willing to go out of her way to take us to the coffee shop.
     I stopped to take a picture of a windmill and someone noticed a sign for coffee and apple cake.  We rode up  a lane to a little farmhouse operation that served excellent apple cake and pretty good coffee.  And we got to see the windmill up close.
     At another stop, we were trying to read a monument when a guy sitting there told us it was for the flood in 1600 that hit Holland.  He also explained why the Zuidersea was no longer a sea, but an inland freshwater lake.
     Tonight we are in a  port town of Enkhuizen.  We are staying in a historic home which is now a bed and breakfast.  Two overly friendly labs live here and if you toss the sodden monkey once, that's not good enough for the young have to toss it again.  And again.  And again.
     My room is a little unusual.  I hope the photo explain it.
     I have not had fish of any kind yet.
     This is about the half way mark of our trip.
     Just hope the butt and legs last another three days.

We had some of the one on the left

At our hotel in Edam, we ad Edith Piaf singing with an accordian player!

I though she was great

The stairs to my was at least a 40 degree engle and the stairs were about 3 inches wide.  Note;  no railings, pull bars.

on the docks in Hoorn

We saw a replica of the Half Moon, the ship that left Amsterdam for the new world and founded New York.  Well, we saw the back of the Half Moon.

Look, a windmill!

Her owner sang in the Gaslight Club in Chicago  in the 60s

My bathroom.

Our play of rest tonight.  My room is the open window on the right

I don't know, do you think it's girly?

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