Monday, June 18, 2018

rain, rain, go away

I got a little wet today

     Hell I got a lot wet.  We got a lot wet.  It was wet.
     Unlike the first day of our ride, when it rained for the last hour or so, today it rained all day until the last hour.
     But you know what?  It was still great.
    Today we met a man who was finishing a 1,600 km ride.  At least I think he said 1,600, it could have been 1,900  What ever, it was a long ride.  He was almost home.
     We first met him at a split in the trails and he told us which one to take  because our GPS was not quite working at that time.
     When we stopped at a small cafe for coffee, he was there also.  But our roads split at that point.
     Small cafes and restaurants are so neat here.  Every one is clean. And beautifully decorated.
     We rode until 1:30 or so and were drenched and cold when we stopped in a small town for coffee and soup.  The man who took care of us was super nice and had American oldies playing in the background.   But when we left, there were huge wet spots on his seats from us!
     Tonight we are in Giethoorn, the little Venice of Holland.  The settlement is about 8 kilometers long and is centered on a canal, with a series of canals running off on all the sides.  It has to be the most beautiful spot in Holland.
     Bare with me on this part.
     A school group is here.  (Actually, it is summer camp for 11 years old and up)  They are divided into groups of 5 or 6 kids.  Then they have to find the adult teachers.  Once they find the teacher, they are given a task.
     While eating, I noticed a person painting some furniture.  They had on a white outfit, like a painter, and a mask.  I thought they did a poor job painting.  Found out, that was one of the teachers!  Another was dressed like a monk and stationed at the church, another was in a costume, one was laying in the bottom of a boat under cardboard surrounded by empty bottles.
     All the teachers poke English, and we had visited with the monk and were leaving when a group of kids spotted the monk.  They went to get their task as we watched.  Suddenly they gathered around me and started asking me questions.  I told them I spoke English, and they immediately changed over and asked me to do the chicken dance with them.  So I did.  Then they went to Diane and danced with her, then with  Bob.  After all the dances, they went back to the teacher and got a letter.  At the end of the night they had to use the letters to form a word.
     It looked like a darn fun time.
     And better yet, when we finished dancing, the sun came out!  Sky is clear, wind has died, tomorrow is our last day to ride.
     Here's some pictures of our day.  Mostly.  Pardon the spots on the lense.  I might have mentioned it was raining.

Ready to go

Stopped here for coffee and warmth  Check out the walls.

Ok, tall tree that is dead.

At the top, storks!!

In the national park, along a canal

Gotta go by boat sometimes

Another stork nest

Still in the park.......I  think.

Jams and books for sale

I fell in love with every house I saw

This kind of bridge proved tricky for one of our trio.  Let's just say someone not named B or T  came damn close to getting wet.

Hotel lobby in Lemmer....used to be a workshop to make masts

Mustard soup....with slices of cucumber

I left my mark

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