Tuesday, June 26, 2018

you can't go home again

Well, I found that to not exactly be true

     Seven years ago, my friend Dan and I spent a good deal of time in a French town called St Chamas.
     The population is about 8,000, according to our personal translator Nayma.
     We had a great time here.  We fell into a group at a local cafe and enjoyed the passing scene in front of the cafe.
     Since Dan and wife Linda were in France, and I was close, we decided to meet at the cafe.  I contacted Nayma, and she said she would also be there.
     So, Nayma, Marcel, who used to own the place but sold it in January and is now retired, Dan, Linda, Chris and Sharon (friends of Dan and Linda from Rochelle, and me all sat down for a glass or two of wine.  Missing was Yves, a likeable local who gave us some grief until we started talking with him 7 years ago.
      I had a chance to walk around a little bit  before we met, which was nice.  St Chamas is a pretty little town not yet hit big by the tourist bug.  There are some Roman ruins here, and housing that predates Roman times dug into the side of the mountain.  There is a large salt water lake and a huge natural area.
     I knew we were being treated like old friends when the new owner of the bar gave me a glass of red "from me to you."  And like Marcel, he does not speak a lot of English.
     Short history.  St Chamas was built on two sides of a mountain.  I tunnel was dug and linked the two sides together.  But somewhere in the 1890s the mountain collapsed, separating the two parts.     The mountain was excavated and a bridge built for the aqueduct that carries water to who knows where.
     The old part of the village is around this area.  Farther up the hill, toward the train station, houses are newer and more spacious.  But in the old town, everyone is crammed together.  It's actually very neat.
     Enough of me.
     Pictures from the last two days.
     I hit a button and accidently deleted some...so count your blessings!!

ARles coliseum

Yellow Cafe, or the Night Cafe....Van Gogh subject

He was watching me!

The yellow house.....house is gone, but the building behind it remains.

She asked me for a date!

The clock bridge in St Chmas

Kathy and John.....I had to use this wall in St Chamas

Our favorite pizza place was not open

Pastis at the Nuit Cafe

Bull burger and frites

Feeling at home?

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