Friday, June 1, 2018

hey, I'm 70

I am going to blame today partly on my age

     I had a special assignment at the zoo today, working with a group of children with disabilities.
     As I was setting up, I got my finger caught in a box.
     I am on a blood thinner.  I bleed often.  I bruise a lot.
    As I watched, my finger went from pink to deep red, and  blood was rolling down my finger onto my palm.
     I went into the bathroom and blotted it with toilet paper, squeezing it and holding it high.  That slowed it down.  I put a bandage on it and a few minutes later it was fine.
     The rest of my day was uneventful.....until I went to Oakbrook.
     I ordered some pants that I didn't like, so I returned them to a store in Oakbrook.  Jackie had some things to return to a store in Oakbrook.  Julia had some jewelry to pick up at a store in Oakbrook.
     You get the idea.....I was in Oakbrook.
     There are multiple parking lots there.  I parked in orange, and had a direct entrance to Nordstrom's.
     Of course, two of the three stores are on the west end of the mall, but it was a nice day to be outside and there is a Starbucks in the middle.
     After my errands were complete, I got my Ultra Caramel whatever, and walked back to the car.
     I parked in orange.
    I took the outside stairs down and the lot on my left was red, and on my right was blue.
    But again, it's a nice day so I walked around the blue parking lot and past a restaurant and Nordstrom's and finally get to the orange lot.....except, I didn't park in orange.  I parked in blue.
     I realized that when I saw the roads to the lots...and I remembered which lot I parked in.  Or if you prefer, in which I parked.)
     I went into the garage and found my car......parked next to the stairs I had come down 10 minutes ago.
     And then I couldn't find an exit sign, made another loop around the lot and decided to follow the next car, hoping it would lead out.  It did.
     But my day wasn't quite done.
     Corki has been getting Benadryl for her sneezing and itching.  One pill in the morning, one at night.
     After I dropped off all my stuff on the table, where it still sits four hours later, Jackie asked me to give Corki a Beneadryl.
     I opened the cabinet, took out the bottle, got a pill, took out a glass, filled it with water and took the pill.
     That might explain why I am having a hard time keeping my eyes open.
     Corki eventually got her pill, I got supper, rode my bike 9.6 miles, watched the Cubs and right now seem to have run out of gas.
     At least I don't itch.
     Hale and farewell to thee.
     And please, tell me it gets easier the older I get.

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