Friday, June 8, 2018

what happened to Friday

I think I lost a day

     I woke up this morning and it was Friday.  Now, I open my eyes and it is Friday night.
     The day went past in a blur.
     I remember getting gas for the lawn mower.  I filled two gas cans.  The cost was $11.99.  I gave the girl a $20 and she gave me $8.01 in change.  I walked two feet, stopped and said, "I don't think you gave me the right change.  I should have had $11. "
As soon as I said it, I knew I was wrong.
"Wait!  Never mind, I thought I was getting $11 back but I owed $11.....I am sorry."
I honestly thought the bill was $10.20.  I get a five cent per gallon discount for cash.  So it should have been $9.99, which means I should have gotten $10.  But the bill was $12.20, which became $11.99, which meant I got the right change.
Confused?  Welcome to my world.
     I also helped out at India night for the Rotary Club.
     At first my task was greeting people.  Then counting people.  Then checking off people as they arrived.  Then getting name tags.  Then collecting money from people who were paying on arrival.
     Thank heavens Jackie and fellow Rotarian Sarah were there to help!  I could not have done that by myself......over 180 people attended!
     I did have time to enjoy some Indian and spicy, and savory.  It was yummy.
     I think sleep may help me figure out grocery prices tomorrow.
     But who knows, maybe that will be too confusing too.

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