Saturday, June 9, 2018

that old saying

Ever say, "You're growing like a weed."

     Now I get it.
     I cleaned up my gardens last Monday and Tuesday.  Today I looked and there were a lot of weeds!  Tall weeds, short weeds, weeds that sting a lot.  Fat weeds, skinny weeds, even weeds with flower spots.  Ok, sing along hot dog people.
     I have been digging out thistle from one spot for several years.  I mentioned it to a gardener and they said you can't dig out thistle, because for every one you dig out, another two sprout from the root.  Solution:  Use Roundup.
     So I sprayed Roundup on the thistle the other day and splashed some in my eye.
     I ran into the house and got a small paper cup, filled it with tepid water  and rinsed my eye out for about 10 minutes.
     Tonight, I was extra careful when I sprayed the stupid thistle with the chemical.
     And trust me.  I hate using chemicals.  They are not good for the ground, but sometimes I guess you just have to do it.
     The yard and gardens don't actually look bad.  I have replanted, pruned, weeded and they look pretty good.
     My zing roses have bloomed and I think I need to deadhead them to encourage more flowers later.  I think.  Maybe I'll Google that before doing anything.
     And the funny thing was....I had two lavender that died.  I bought replacement ones.  When I was starting to dig up the dead ones, I noticed new growth at the bottom.
     Now they are growing like weeds!  In this case, that's a good thing.  I planted my new lavender someplace else, hopefully they all survive this goofy weather.
     My weather radio has gone off once tonight, went off twice in the middle of the night last night. 
     That comforts me because now I know I will be warned if a major storm approaches.
     Don't know what I'll do, but at least I'll be warned.
     Peace and love and gentle rains to all.........

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