Monday, June 4, 2018

just tired

I've gotten all my plants planted

     That was no easy task.  Every time I turn around, I see dead spots.
     Hopefully the 20 plants I just put in the ground will go a long way to easing my frustration.
     I did not do all 20 at one time.  Tonight I did 8, plus some marigolds and other container plants.
     I put marigolds in my vegetable garden because it does something I don't remember, either keeps the deer away or keeps the bugs away.
     I had a full bed of strawberries last week.  Today I have one-third of a bed.  Something has been eating the plants.  I just can't win with strawberries.  And yes, Nadine, you did give me some deer off stuff, but it only works if you put it on the plants.  I always pay for procrastinating.
     I saw my first lightning bug, or firefly, of the season tonight.
     I remember as a kid catching them in glass jars and using them as night lights.  We didn't know better, I guess.
     Something summery about seeing them flicker in the dark.  It takes me back to a simpler time, where the days were long and the responsibilities few.
     Peace and love to all...

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