Thursday, June 7, 2018

that was weird

We went north today

     I had a heart doctor check up today, so we went shopping afterward.
     Jackie uses the electric cart while I push  cart.  I parked my cart, which had about 10 items in it, and went to get some carrots.
     When I came back, my cart was gone.
     Jackie said some lady took it.
     I could either start over or find my cart.
     I opted to find my cart.
    I walked into the meat area and there was my cart....with a pile of beets in it.
    I asked the woman if she was sure this was her cart.
    She looked at it and started laughing.  None of the stuff in it was what she was shopping for, except for the beets.
    She asked me where my cart was and I told her over by the potatoes....and I think that is where she found her cart.
     It was funny.  It was also good to know it's not only me!
    By the way.....heart guy is a Cardinal fan.  I had on my Cubs' World Series shirt.  He gave me three months.........

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